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Silicon is a chemical element and contain only silicon atoms.

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Q: What is the chemical composition of silicon?
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What is the chemical composition of quartz mineral?

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It tells you that is is composed of silicon (Si) and oxygen (O), in a ratio of 2 oxygens for each silicon.

Does WD-40 contain silicon?

Very probably not, but the chemical composition is not public.

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The chemical composition of quarts was discovered by Jons Jakob Berzelius (Swedish chemist). Quarts composition is one part silicon and then two parts of oxygen.

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If dry, silica gel is almost pure silicon dioxide, SiO2.

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Quartz is a solid compound from the earth's crust. Its chemical composition is SiO4 (silicon oxygen tetrahedra), and it has a definite crystal shape.

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What is the chemical symbol for silicon?

The chemical symbol of silicon is Si.

What does it mean to say that a mineral has a definite chemical composition?

In mineralogy, definite chemical composition refers to a characteristic that a substance must possess to meet the definition of a mineral. It is the narrow parameter of chemical compositions that a substance must have to be described as a particular mineral separate from other minerals.