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Q: What is the chemical formula for phosphorous penta fluoride?
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This formula could be written in more than one way, but one way is: F3CSF5.

What is the chemical formula for phosphorous pentabromide?

BrI5 Br is Bromine and is being listed as a +5 ion and Penta means five so it is I5 so the answer is BrI5.

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N2O5 ( di=2, penta=5)

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The formula for Heptasulfur Dioxide is S7O2.

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The molecular formula for iodine pentafluoride is IF5. No prefix in front of iodine is understood to be one, but mono- is not used for the first element in a binary covalent compount. The prefix penta- means five, so the subscript for fluoride is 5. Unfortunately, there is no way to write the 5 as a subscript.

What does PF5 stand for in chemistry?

Iit is phosphorus penta fluoride a molecule with Trigonal bipyramidal geometry.

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dinitrogen pentaoxide: This IS the formula name for the chemical formula N2O5, sometimes called nitrogen pentoxide (without 'di' and pent without 'a').From Latin: 'di' = two and 'penta' = five

How many molecules does copper-II sulfate pentahydrate have?

The chemical formula is CuSO4.5 H2O; the pentahydrate contain 5 molecules of water (penta = five, in the Greek lanuage).

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PCl3 is the formula. This is the compound we know as phosphorus trichloride.

What is the name for the compound p2s5?

P2S5 is Phosphorous Penta Sulphide. P = Phosphours S = Sulfur Its molecular weight is 222.28.

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V+4 PO4-3 <--- these are the ions and their charges V+4 V+4 V+4 PO4-3 PO4-3 PO4-3 PO4-3 <--- the charges have to add up to zero, so three +4 vanadium ions cancels out four -3 phosphate ions V3(PO4)4 <--- simplify