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Clouds are merely water particles suspended in the atmosphere. Their color is heavily dependent on the color of light that enters them.

Because the light that comes from the sun is perceived as white, clouds appear white for most of the day. Thunderstorms tend to be fairly large, thus their base appears dark because much of the light from the sun has already been blocked. Becasuse the atmosphere bends the light from the sun in the morning and evening, clouds can appear red or orange during a sunrise or sunset.

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16y ago
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15y ago

All clouds are basically white from reflected sunlight. Dark clouds are those in the shadow of others or at the bottom of a large cloud mass. Clouds can appear pink, orange, or other colors depending on the color of the sunlight reaching them.

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1mo ago

Cumulus clouds are typically white or light gray in color, although they can appear darker if they are holding a large amount of precipitation.

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12y ago

cumulus clouds and white and very puffy. they bunch up as one instead of being separate clouds.

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13y ago

Black or Gray. And yes it can get black.

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What color is the cloud cumulus?

cumulus clouds and white and very puffy. they bunch up as one instead of being separate clouds.

How can you idnify cumulus clouds?

Cumulus clouds are the pig puffy white clouds.

Which clouds is closer to the earth cirrus or cumulus?

Cumulus clouds are typically closer to the Earth than cirrus clouds. Cumulus clouds are generally found at lower altitudes, while cirrus clouds are found at higher altitudes.

Are cumulus clouds storms clouds?

No. Cumulus clouds are fair-weather clouds most of the time. Storm clouds are cumulonimbus.

What type of weather is found on cumulus?

Depends which type of cumulus.... cumulonimbus is thunderstorm clouds, regular cumulus clouds are the white puffy clouds that have no precipitation

Does cumulus clouds have flat bottoms?

Yes, Cumulus clouds have flat bottoms.

What weather does cumulus clouds have?

cumulus clouds contain good weather or rain

Do cumulus clouds form into cumulonimbus clouds?

Yes, cumulus clouds can develop into cumulonimbus clouds through a process called cloud growth. Cumulonimbus clouds are larger and taller versions of cumulus clouds that can bring thunderstorms and severe weather.

Cumulus clouds are what type of cloud?

Cumulus clouds form when warm air rises, expands, and cools. Cumulus clouds are masses of puffy white clouds that usually have thunderstorms following them. Cumulus clouds are one of the 3 types of main clouds. The 3 main types of clouds are stratus, cumulus, and cirrus.

Cirrus and cumulus are types of what?

Cirrus and cumulus are types of clouds. Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy clouds high in the sky, while cumulus clouds are fluffy, white clouds with a flat base that are found at lower altitudes.

Where are the CUMULUS clouds usually found?

Cumulus clouds are usually found in low areas.

How did cumulus clouds get there name?

cumulus= to gather or grow cumulus clouds are growing vapor in a rising thermal english translation = Accumulate