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This condition is called Hemophilia.

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Q: What is the condition called when you bleed a lot or profusely?
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How much would one bleed if they were stabbed?

It would depend on where you were stabbed, but you would generally bleed a lot.

Is it common for your mother to bleed a lot?

maybe sometimes ?

Do girls bleed a lot when they are pregnant?

if there at risct of abortion

Why would someone bleed excessively?

If its a mental health disorder then no. A person may have a biological condition which means they do bleed easily and that may be linked to the mental illness, but the mental illness itself would not be a direct cause of the bleeding problem itself.

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when it gets pierced initially it does bleed for a couple of minutes but afterwards it will be fine

If you have anaemia can you get a piercing?

Yes, you don't bleed a lot when you get a piercing.

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Is it normal to bleed a lot after taking a pill to stop your pregnancy?

A pill to stop your pregnancy means you had an abortion.It is very normal to bleed a lot during an abortion, this is the pregnancy expelling itself.

Can you bleed a lot when you are pregnant?

You shouldn't bleed a lot, but some women do for various reasons. This does not necessarily mean that your pregnancy is not healthy. However, if you are bleeding a lot, be sure to go to your doctor to make sure everything is ok. Bleeding can be a sign of complications.

What is a good adverb for the word bleeding?

When there is a lot of bleeding, it is often said that the person in question is bleeding profusely. Otherwise, perhaps this person is only bleeding slightly.