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Q: What is the connection between sea levels and the continental drift hypothesis Explain?
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What is the connection between sea levels and the continental drift hypothesis?

beacuse they both have to do the same thing :)

What is the connection between hypotheses and tests in an investigation?

A hypothesis is tested by investigation through experimentation

What is the connection between the innateness hypothesis and the idea of a universal grammar?

the connect between innateness hypothesis and universal grammar is to speak we need innate hypothesis and this hypothesis not enough to speak well so we need something else which called universal grammar

What is Peter's hypothesis?

Peter's hypothesis is that increased exposure to sunlight will lead to higher vitamin D levels in the body.

What is the difference between a hypothesis a theory and a conclusion drawn from hypothesis testing?

A hypothesis is a suggestion of a way to explain something. If the hypothesis is tested and confirmed, it can advance to the status of theory. The conclusion of testing a hypothesis will be either that the hypothesis is confirmed, or it is not confirmed.

Explain the connection between abolishing parole and an increase in sentences of probation?

You would have to demonstrate that there is a connection - which I dispute that there is. Thus, my conlusion is that there is no connection.

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What is the connection between hypotheses and the tests that are conducted in an investigate?

They are part of the scientific method. The test results confirm or disprove the hypothesis.

What is the connection between hypotheses and the tests that are conducted in an investigation?

They are part of the scientific method. The test results confirm or disprove the hypothesis.

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What is the Difference between hypothesis and proposition?

A proposition is a logically sound assertion that makes a connection/s between concepts. Propositions cannot be tested for validity; a hypothesis is a logical assertion, that can, but has not yet been tested. Propositions are the framework upon which hypothesis are made. Propositions also, because of their characteristic of not being testable, do not have to be supported by empirical evidence. Hypothesis on the other hand, do.

Which can you use in your writing to clarify and explain the connection between ideas?

Transitional phrases, such as "furthermore" and "in addition," can help clarify and explain the connection between ideas in writing. Also, using clear and specific examples that illustrate the relationship between concepts can make the connection more apparent to the reader. Lastly, organizing your ideas in a logical sequence can also help in clarifying the connections between them.