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Q: What is the day and night length for each season?
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Related questions

How does the length of day time and night time affect the season?

The length of day does not affect the season.

What is the length of night on the desert?

The length of day and night depend upon the season of the year and the latitude of the desert. Over a year it averages 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night.

One of the divisions of the year marked by alterations in length of day and night?


One of the divisions of the year marked by alterations in the length of day and night?


What will happen if the earth axis becomes vertical?

There would be no seasons, and the length of day & night would be exactly 12 hours each.

How were the hours of the day and night reckoned in ancient Palestine?

Sunrise to sunset was divided into twelve parts, as was sunset to sunrise. The length of each of these hours varied according to the length of day or night.

How long are the night and day in the desert?

The length of the day or night in a desert depends upon the location (latitude) of the desert and the season of the year.

1st equalest day of the year?

The equinoxes are the two dates each year when the day and the night are of equal length.

What happens to a 24 hour day on the equator?

The length of day & night are exactly 12 hours each. This never changes.

What is length of the day in a autumnal equinox?

During the Autumn equinox the length of the day and night are nearly equal. The length of the day on the equinox is approximately twelve hours.

Why does the length of the day and night vary from planet to planet?

Because of the difference in speed of rotation of each planet.

What is the phenomenon called when day and night are the same length?

The length of day and night is equal at the Vernal and Autumnal equinox.