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Ammonium hydroxide is a weak base with the formula NH4OH. It readily forms when ammonia is dissolved in water but it can only exist in aqueous solution. Trying to isolate it will cause it to revert back to ammonia and water.

Potassium hydroxide is a strong base with the formula KOH. It will readily dissolve in water but can also exist in a pure state, which takes the form of a white solid under normal conditions.

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Q: What is the difference between ammonium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide?
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Is there a reaction between ammonium chloride and potassium hydroxide?

No.If you add ammonium chloride solution to potassium chloride solution all that happens is a solution with all the ions in it - ammonium ions, potassium ions, chloride ions and hydroxide ions.

Will there be a reaction between ammonium hydroxide and ammonium chloride?

no reaction

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Ammonium salts are the products of the reactions between ammonium hydroxide and acids.

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Ammonium salts are the products of a reaction between ammonium hydroxide an an acid.

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Caustic potash is potassium hydroxide (KOH) Caustic soda is sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

What is the difference between sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide?

There is not a lot of difference. They are both powerful bases but potassium hydroxide is more expensive. Sodium hydroxide is manufacture by electrolysis of seawater. Potassium Hydroxide just does not have a cheap source of raw material as seawater!

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(nh4)2so4 + 2koh -> k2so4 + 2nh4oh Many of those letters ( if not all ) are capitals as this site is acting stupid again and is " correcting " capitalization.

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- Some salts (sodium chloride and potassium chloride, sodium or potassium nitrate, calcium carbonate, fluorite etc.) are mined. - In industry or laboratory salts are the products of a neutralization reaction between a metal (or ammonium) hydroxide and an acid.

What is the reaction between potassium hydroxide with water?

No reaction.

How are ammonia salts made?

They are the products of the reactions between ammonium hydroxide and acids.

What happens when lithium reacts with potassium hydroxide?

There will be no reaction between the lithium and the potassium hydroxide. However, since the potassium hydroxide is in solution, the lithium will still react with the water to form lithium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. 2Li + H2O --> H2 + LiOH.

Ammonium chloride sodium hydroxide the formula?

The chemical formula of sodium hydroxide is NaOH. The chemical formula of ammonium chloride is NH4Cl. Any reaction between these substances in water solution.