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There is no difference between the two, it's just another way of wording the phrase.

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Mechanical energy doesn't consider all energy types, so mechanical energy is not strictly conserved. Other types of energy can convert to mechanical energy, and vice versa.

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Q: What is the difference between conservation of mechanical energy and conservation of total energy?
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What are the differences between Conservation law of energy and Conservation law of Mechanical energy in Physics?

The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy in the universe is a constant and will remain so for example ( x=y+z ). conservation of energy has to do with reducing the amount of energy used through reduced activity and/or increased efficiency in the performance of a particular task.

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The law of conservation of energy states that all energy in the universe is conserved. It can not be created nor destroyed, but it can be interchanged between mechanical and non-mechanical energy.

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Di ko alam,May.

Explaine the law of conservation of mechanical energy?

This simply means that, as long as no mechanical energy is wasted or converted to other types of energy (and no other type of energy to mechanical energy), the total amount of mechanical energy doesn't change. Mechanical energy refers to the sum of kinetic and potential energy. Since energy losses and energy conversions do occur, this is not really a "law". In other words, the law of conservation of energy has not been known to be violated; conservation of mechanical energy is very easily violated.

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the difference between a electric motor and a generator.Motor- is a device or equipment which convert electrical energy to mechanical energy.Generator- is a device or equipment which convert mechanical energy to electrical energy.

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Conservation of mechanical energy means that the total mechanical energy doesn't increase or decrease over time.Note that in real systems, some mechanical will always be lost due to friction.

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