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The combustion of any fossil fuel creates pollution. Pollution can occur during the extraction, transportation, refining (for petroleum products) and burning. There isn't complete agreement on the dirtiest fossil fuel, but many would consider coal or oil as the worst. Without any scrubbers, coal probably takes number one position. Measures of the harmful effects are difficult, because it is the amount that is burned times the pollutants given offf. There are different forms of coal, with varying harmful effects. Also, there is a lot of ongoing efforts to make coal a clearer (not clean) fossil fuel. See related links.

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Q: What is the dirtest fossil fuel to burn?
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What is burning of fossil fuel?

We should not burn fossil fuels.

Does a fossil fuel burn in the air?

All fuels that 'burn' require air or an oxygen source for combustion. Therefore,fossil fuel also burn in the air.

What do you call gas and oil that you burn?

Fuel. Fossil Fuel.

What fossil fuels burn?

Natual gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel.

What fossil fuels do we burn in power stations?

they burn fossil fuels like coal, fuel oil, and oil shale

Can you burn fossil fuels on the moon?

to burn any material, not only fossil fuel, we need three things: 1. Fuel (any material that can be burned, ex: fossil fuel, wood, paper, etc) 2. Ignition (high temperature, or fire sparks) 3. Air and now, if you want to burn fossil fuel on the moon you also need these three factors.. the answer is : NO, because there is no air on the moon ( if there is, it's just in a very small volume and can't be used to burn fossil fuel) ~ ANSWER 2.0 BY RUSSIANS 1)there is no fossil fuel on the moon 2)there no oxygen on the moon however if you bring your own, like the FUEL AND OXIDIZER for rocket engines of American space craft fossil fuel will burn just fine. i believe the fuel used was hydrogen witch is non petroleum so technically it was not fossil fuel. but never the less it was fire in vacuum.

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How does Liquid Natural Gas work as a fuel?

Natural gas works as a fossil fuel because you BURN it and it turns into heat and energy exactly like a fossil fuel.

Slogans on judicious use of fossil fuels?

its cruel to burn fuel

How does nuclear energy conserve fossil fuels?

Nuclear energy conserves the use of fossil fuel because if there is a nuclear power station there is no need to burn fossil fuel in that region.

How does fossil fuel work?

You burn it; it gives off heat; you use the heat.

Why does it matter if you burn fossil fuels?

When we burn fossil fuels, that fossil fuel is gone. *POOF!* And it'll take millions of years for the nonrenewable resource to form again. Therefore we need to conserve fossil fuels as much as possible.