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The superior orbital fissure is a foramen in the skull, although strictly it is more of a cleft, lying between the lesser and greater wings of the sphenoid bone. It establishes a channel of communication between the middle cranial fossa and the orbit, through which pass the oculomotor and trochlear nerves, the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, the abducens nerve, and the superior or combined ophthalmic veins.

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Q: What is the function of the superior orbital fissure?
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Horizontal fissure of the right lung and Oblique fissure of right lung.

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What foramen does the trochlear nerve go through?

The trochlear nerve is also known as cranial nerve IV (CN-IV). It is the only cranial nerve that emerges dorsally from the brain, which also makes it the longest pathway. It is the smallest nerve to service the eye. CN-IV passes through superior orbital fissure, and it provides for only a motor function. It serves the superior oblique eye muscle and connects to the annular tendon. As a result, it processes brain signals to move eyes up and down and outwards. Whether due to a head injury or a complication of surgery, damage to this nerve will compromise some ability to use the superior oblique eye muscle. Without the use of the nerve, the superior oblique eye muscle will not no longer function properly. The muscle, not the trochlear nerve, physically moves the eyeball. Double vision, otherwise known as diplopia, results from problems with muscle or the nerve. Complications from these issues will result in a diminished ability to walk, especially down stairs.

What is the function of the horizontal fissure of the left lung?

The function of the horizontal fissure of the left lung helps the constipated human to release any excess carbon from their body, meaning it is easier for them to defecate. Although in some cases of severe diarrhoea the mantelpiece of the left lung collapses into the pancreas distorting and disturbing the function of the horizontal fissure.

H - shaped fissure of the brain?

orbital Sulci The answer is Zygon This was the answer being looked for in the Daily Telegraph GK Crossword # 920

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What is Function of fissure in skull?

The "fissures" allowed for expansion of the skull parts as the child grew.

What is the function of the orbital muscles?

it is designed to move the eye.

What is the function of the sylvian fissure?

a sylvian fissure is one of the parts of the brain and we spell it s y l v i a n f i s s u r e i thank you =)