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It depend what rock it is but extrusive rocks generally non-crystalline or have a grain size of less than 1 mm

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Q: What is the grain size of an extrusive igneous?
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How can you determine if a igneous rock has had an intrusive or extrusive origin?

== Grain size. Most intrusive igneous rocks will have visible crystals. Crystals in most extrusive igneous rocks are not easily visible.

What grain type is found in extrusive igneous rocks?

Extrusive igneous rocks are usually fine grained.

What is a factor that controls grain size in igneous rock?

It depends on if it is intrusive or extrusive. If it is an intrusive rock, it is formed when magma hardens under the earth and has a larger grain size. If it is an extrusive rock, it is formed when lava hardens on the earth's surface and has a smaller grain size.

Is conglomerate intrusive or extrusive?

Neither. Conglomerate is a sedimentary rock. Intrusive and extrusive are descriptive terms used to classify igneous rocks.

What texture does and extrusive igneous rock have?

fined grain texture

What is the crystal size for extrusive igneous rocks?

Fine grained

A lava flow is an example of an igneous rock one of the two main igneous rock groups?

It is an example of extrusive igneous rock.

How can you determine if an igneous rock has had an intrusive or extrusive organ?

by the size of the crystals, big crystals intrusive, small crystals extrusive

What are igneous rocks formed at the earths surface called?

Extrusive igneous rocks.

Does grain size mean anything when identifying igneous rocks?

yes, it does. when a grain size in an igneous rock is small, it means that it was probably an extrusive rock, meaning it formed on land. but if the grain size is big, it means that the rock most likely formed underground, or it was intrusive. try remembering it like this- the larger the crystals, the more time the rock had to form, and magma cools faster on land, not giving the rocks much time to form.

Which crystal can help identify as igneous rock as intrusive or extrusive?

What is the effect of location on crystal size? Label the location of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks on the diagram below. Then, illustrate the crystal size of the rock formed at that location in the appropriate callout circles.

How is basalt different from gabbro?

Basalt is an Extrusive Igneous Rock, it is a fine grained textured rock, While Gabbro is an Intrusive Igneous Rock and it has a Coarse grain texture.