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Q: What is the ground temperature at 300 feet?
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What is the temperature at 25000 feet with a ground temperature of 62 degrees and a temperature drop of 2 degrees for every 1000 feet?

11 degrees

If you were on an airplane about 26000 above the ground and each mile equals 5280 what was the approximate temperature at 26000 feet?

On average, the temperature drops by 2 degrees Celsius for every 1,000 feet of altitude gained. So, 26,000 feet x 2 degrees Celsius = a 52 degree difference from the ground, in Celsius. To convert to Fahrenheit, remember the temperature drops by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, on average, for every 1,000 feet of altitude gained. So if your having a 100 degree heatwave on the ground, don't lick any poles up top. . . The temperature will be a balmy 6.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

How high off the ground should a thermometer be placed in order to measure temperature properly?

Under NOAA standards, temperature should be measured 4 to 6 feet (1.2192 to 1.8288 meters) off the ground. Under the World Meteorological Organization standards, temperature should be measured 1.25 to 2 meters (4' 1.2125984252" to 6' 6.7401574803") off the ground.

Is it possible to have snow that sticks to the ground when it is above 32 degrees Fahrenheit?

Only for a very short time. Recorded weather readings are taken at a height of 5 feet above the ground. If the ground has been frozen, the air temperature at ground level will be a few degrees cooler than the official temperature. It is not unusual for snow to remain for days or even weeks in shaded areas when the air temperature is well above freezing during the afternoons but near or below freezing at night.

What is the temperature at 40000 feet altitude?

On a standard day, the temperature at 40,000 feet is approximately -69.7F.

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What temperature is oil when it comes out of the ground?

About 300 Deg.

What is the temperature at 25000 feet with a ground temperature of 62 degrees and a temperature drop of 2 degrees for every 1000 feet?

11 degrees

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36000/300= :120

What is surface temperature?

Surface temperature is the temperature on the outside of the object. For example the surface temperature of the Earth is the Ground temperature and the surface temperature of an orange is the rind not the pips.

How many millennia would it take for an object like this to be buried 300 feet into the ground?

Based on your question alone, it is impossible to tell how many millennia it would take for an object "like this" to be buried 300 feet in the ground. We cannot see the object to which you are referring.

How many square feet are in 300 feet by 300 feet?

300' x 300' = 90,000 square feet

How can you remove submersible pump which is struck in bore well 300 feet below ground?

It should not be stuck in well. If you are 300 feet, it is going to take a lot of pull to get it out. You might just think it is stuck?

What 300 feet in linear feet?

300 feet.

How big is 300 square feet?

Square feet measure the area of a location. 300 square feet would be 300 feet across and 300 feet up and down.

100 yards is how many feet?

There are 3 feet in a yard so...... 100 x 3 = 300' There are 300 feet in 100 yards.

What does 100 yd in feet?

1 yard = 3 feet 100 yards x 3 = 300 feet

How many meter is in 300 feet?

300 feet = 91.44 meters