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Oil Shale

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Q: What is the hardest fossil fuels to extract from the ground?
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Related questions

How can you make money from fossil fuels?

extract oil

Why do the states in India which extract coal and petroleum are rich in fossil fuels?

Because coal and petroleum are themselves fossil fuels.

What remains do fossil fuels come from?

Most fossil Fuels comes from the ground soil or in mountains

Is there 2 advantages using fossil fuels?

Yes.they are relatively easy to extract (for now);many engines are designed to work off fossil fuels.

How is fossil fuels man made?

A fossil is a relic of earlier times, that is found in the ground. By definition, it is not man made. People can make fuel, for example, we can grow corn, and then extract corn syrup, ferment it to make alcohol, and burn the alcohol. But that is not a fossil fuel. Petroleum, natural gas, and coal are the fossil fuels. We did not make them, they have been in the ground for a long time before we came along.

How are fossil fuels retrieved from the ground?

u suck on it

Where are fossil fuels found in PA?

In the ground! silly....

How are fossil fuels retrieved from the earth?

Drilling into the ground, mining.

Where are the natural resources of Texas?

Deep in the ground: fossil fuels.

What is alternative fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels come from fossilied plant matter in the ground. Alternative fuels are alternatives to fossil fuels, and these are mainly carbon fuels that take their carbon from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (as fossil fuels do) but on a carbon cycle with a much shorter term. An example is wood, which can be burned as more trees are growing and absorbing carbon dioxide.

The majority of the worlds electricity is supplied by burning 2 words?

fossil fuels

What are fosils?

fossil fuels are from dead plants that have been in the ground for thousands of years