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Q: What is the hottest day this year in Hawaii?
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What year has the 5 hottest recorded temperatures in Hawaii?


can you can you make a sentence with the word hottest?

yes; "You are the hottest person i have ever seen!"i am the hottest person alive.this is the hottest day of the year!

When is it the hottest time of the year in Jamaica?

Day time.

What is the hottest day in a year IN EARTH?

it can be different every year. there is no real answer to your question.

What is the proper form of the sentence This is the hotter day of the year?

The superlative form is used: This is the hottest day of the year.

Coldest day of the year?

It is January 31st, the southern hemisphere. The hottest day of the year is July 31st.

What is the Hottest day of year in Sarasota fl?

june 21

What is the hottest part of the year in England?

(summer) the hottest part of the day is 12 - 3:30 in the after noon. xx

What was the hottest day of the year in Lousiville KY in 2001?

The hottest day of the year in 2001 for Louisville, Kentucky was the eighth of July. The high temperature recorded that day was ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit with reported humid conditions.

What is the hottest it has ever been in Hawaii?


Why is July 31 the hottest day?

July 31 is not the hottest day of the year throughout the northern hemisphere. The day of the year with the highest average temperature for each location depends not only on the time of the year but also on nearby terrain and prevailing weather patterns.

What is the hottest planet which one day is longer than a year?
