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Excessive packaging leads to more material to be disposed of, more resources used for transportation (excessive packaging=higher weight=more gas), and more resources used in producing the packaging material (power, heat, etc...). -From a Packaging Engineer The answer above is very true. excessive packaging leads to higher usage of material meaning more resources consumed such as plants that create oxygen. I work for a packaging company and we try to work with customers who have a product to make sure that they are using only enough material to get the job done. This in turn saves them money and helps reduce the effects on our planet.

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15y ago
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1mo ago

Packaging can have a significant impact on the environment due to the resources required for production, transportation, and disposal. It can contribute to pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste accumulation, especially if not managed properly. Sustainable packaging solutions, such as biodegradable materials or reusable options, can help minimize this impact.

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12y ago

All consumer products have a carbon footprint. That is the amount of carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions that it takes to grow, or mine, or produce, or manufacture, and then to package and transport it till it ends up in your house.

It's the difference between buying a plastic pack of carrots that were grown on the other side of the world, and pulling a carrot out of your garden where you grew it yourself.

So "wasteful consumer products" have that sort of problem. That hot-dog warmer that seemed such a good buy, but which you now never use, has made a small contribution to global warming, by adding a little more greenhouse gas to the atmosphere. And the million other people who bought one have done the same!

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13y ago

It has an impact because you need to burn fossil fuels to keep the equipment going. If you're going to make 1 tonne of metal, you'll burn fossil fuels and they will produce 3 tonnes of greenhouse gases and warm the globe.

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10y ago
Plastic bags and plastic bottles - CO2 emissions during their lifetimeA number of people have asked about the implications of using plastic bags on the personal carbon footprint as well as on the environment in general. There are some comparisons between paper bags and plastic bags available which clearly show that it all depends on how many times these plastic or paper bags are being used.

Littering is probably the severest problem related to plastic bags. Nevertheless let's now have a look at the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for the production and incineration of plastic bags.

The carbon footprint of plastic (LDPE or PET, poyethylene) is about 6 kg CO2 per kg of plastic. If you know the weight of your plastic bags, you can multiply it with the number of plastic bag you are using per year. Then you can easily calculate the carbon dioxide emitted by your own usage of plastic bags. See below for some background information.

  • The production of 1 kg of polyethylene (PET or LDPE), requires the equivalent of 2 kg of oil for energy and raw material. Polyethylene PE ist the most commonly used plastic for plastic bags.
  • Burning 1 kg of oil creates about 3 kg of carbon dioxide. In other words: Per kg of plastic, about 6 kg carbon dioxide is created during production and incineration.
  • A plastic bag has a weight in the range of about 8 g to 60 g depending on size and thickness. For the further calculation, it now depends on which weight for a plastic bag you actually use. A common plastic carrying bag in our household had a weight between 25 g and 40 g. So I took the average of 32.5 g.

Take the above relation between kg plastics and kg of carbon dioxide, and you get about 200 g carbon dioxide for 32.5 g of plastic, which is the equivalent of the average plastic carrying bag in our household. Or in other words: For 5 plastic bags you get 1 kg of CO2.

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13y ago

Packaging uses up world resources, that will end up being thrown into the rubbish bin which will clog up the environment with rubbish.

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12y ago

Most transport runs by burning fossil fuels (gasoline or diesel). Burning emits carbon dioxide which increases the greenhouse gases and is causing global warming.

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Q: What is the impact of packaging on the environment?
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What effect does packaging have on the environment?

Packaging is bad for the environment because it's not biodegradable and if it's not then it will have to be burned which therfore causes co2, Causing greenhouse gasses that can cause global warming. And because we cut down trees and it seems like the more we recycle the more of an increase we get with one, there is actually just as much of a decrease with the other. And the more we cut down trees, the more animals lose there homes (shelter), the more bees and such can't pollinate the flowers on the trees, and when we cut down our trees it takes away the shade that they would give us and the relief of the heat that we would get just by having them there to block the sun. I guess there are many reasons why packaging is bad for the environment but, it's mostly because it's not biodegradable and because of how much packaging we do. And the more that we do this the more resources it takes us. By a girl who copied it from another website. I thought this could be very useful, it helped me a lot. THANX 4 MAKING IT!!!! ;)

Is it true or false that people do not have much impact on the environment?

False. People have a significant impact on the environment through activities such as deforestation, pollution, and consumption of natural resources. It is essential that individuals take responsibility for their environmental impact and make efforts to reduce their carbon footprint.

How did Robert falcon Scott affect the environment?

Robert Falcon Scott's expedition to Antarctica had a negative impact on the environment due to the waste left behind, such as fuel drums and food packaging. Additionally, the hunting of seals and penguins for food by Scott's team contributed to the decline of local wildlife populations. Overall, his expedition had lasting consequences on the fragile Antarctic ecosystem.

Do tornadoes have a positive impact on the environment?

Tornadoes do not have a positive impact on the environment. They can cause destruction to ecosystems, wildlife habitats, and infrastructure. The devastation from tornadoes can take years to recover from and disrupt the natural balance of the affected areas.

What are the components of environmental science and how does the interdependence of organisms impact the environment?

Components of environmental science include the study of ecosystems, biodiversity, natural resources, pollution, climate change, and sustainability. The interdependence of organisms in an ecosystem plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and stability. Changes in one species can have cascading effects on others, ultimately impacting the overall health of the environment.

Related questions

What is enviromentally friendly packaging?

Environmentally friendly packaging refers to packaging materials that are sustainable, recyclable, biodegradable, or compostable. These materials are designed to reduce the impact on the environment by minimizing waste, conserving resources, and reducing pollution. Examples include cardboard, paper, biodegradable plastics, and compostable materials.

Why should we go against packaging?

Going against packaging can help reduce waste, improve sustainability, and lower environmental impact. By using alternative methods such as reusable containers, biodegradable materials, or bulk purchasing, we can minimize the negative effects of packaging on the environment.

How Does Pancake Packaging Effect The environment?

dont no.

Impact on marine life from packaging?

it stats global warming

What has the least impact on the Environment?

Products that are made from sustainable materials, consume less energy during production, and have minimal packaging tend to have the least impact on the environment. Additionally, choosing products that are locally sourced or have a minimal carbon footprint due to transport can also help reduce environmental impact.

How does material consumption impact the environment?

Material consumption creates massive amounts of waste. Consumers buy products that have non-degradable packaging that may sit in land fills for many years.

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It doesn't really have any impact on the environment.

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No it does not have impact on the environment.

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No a bridge isn't good for the environment because the transportation of material to site creates pollution. The Disturbance of eco systems. Also Wastes created by packaging and building materials left on site. There is also noise pollution.

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