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13.4 to 14 If memory servers. Many solutions contain no water yet can have a measurement on the PH scale. Adding a fixed amount of said solution to a neutral base such as water would change the PH scale giving measurable results. I worked at a chem plant.

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Nathan H

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3y ago
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12y ago

The pH of anhydrous ammonia can not be measured. In pure anhydrous ammonia, by definition, there is no water, so pH measurements, which are only possible for aqueous solutions, are not possible . Without water and the resulting ionization of NH3, anhydrous ammonia does not (can not) exhibit a pH.

A 1N aqueous solution has a pH of 11.6.

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14y ago

Ionization potentials for phosphine PH3 and ammonia NH3 pls.

electron affinities for phosphine PH3 and ammonia NH3 pls.

Thanks taddeus.

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Q: What is the ionization potential of anhydrous ammonia?
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What will happen if a small amount of sodium hydroxide is added to a 0.1 M solution of ammonia?

the percent ionization of ammonia will decrease

How do you Convert ammonium nitrate to anhydrous ammonia?

since ammonium nitrate decomposes on heating so ammonium nitrate is covered with excess of calcium hydroxide with some water and then heated to get ammonia

Why can't anhydrous calcium chloride be used to dry ammonia?

Because it will react with the ammonia, CaCl2 being a weak acid, pKa about 8, which is somewhat stronger than ammonium, pKa(NH4+) = 9.24.

Can calcium oxide dry ammonia?

Yes it can! So can Sodium Hydroxide but not as efficiently as Calcium Oxide as it takes more Sodium Hydroxide than it does Calcium Oxide. If generating you're own Anhydrous Ammonia by mixing Sodium Hydroxide with Ammonia Nitrate the Sodium will replace the Ammonia in the Nitrate freeing the Ammonia as well as producing water. It's best to have this piped through a condenser charge with ice water to condense the water back into the reaction vessel. Than have it passed through a chamber packed with Calcium Oxide to catch any water that isn't condensed yet. Than a cold finger charged with Dry ice and Acetone after this as a last stand against the water. This should than feed into a vessel in a bath of Dry Ice and Acetone where the Anhydrous Ammonia gas will condense into a liquid. From here you can use for a Birch Reaction or store in a cooled or pressurized compatible container. READ SAFETY CONCERNS REGARDING ANHYDROUS AMMONIA BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY OF THIS. IT CAN AND WILL KILL YOU IF PERMITTED. Thank you.

What is the substance used to dry ammonia?

By drying ammonia, I guess you mean ammonia gas.. To dry ammonia gas you pass it through a drying tube of sorts filled with KOH or NaOH pellets. This method is for almost dry gas, if you are getting your ammonia gas from a ammonia/water solution you probably have to predry it with anhydrous sodium sulfate or some other sort of dessicant before you lead it through the KOH/NaOH pellet filled drying tube.

Related questions

What are agronomy benefits of anhydrous ammonia?

Anhydrous ammonia is a very effective component of fertilizer. While somewhat unsafe, best practices and safe handling minimize the potential risks.

What is anhydrous ammonia?

Anhydrous means no water. Anhydrous ammonia is a gas.

What is chemical symbol for anhydrous ammonia?

The chemical symbol for Anhydrous Ammonia is NH3.

What is temperature of anhydrous ammonia?

Anhydrous ammonia melts at -77.7º C, and boils at -33.3º C.

What is the percent of ammonia in anhydrous ammonia?

99.95%(pure ammonia) or better is Refridgeration grade ammonia.

Can anhydrous ammonia become liquid ammonia?

Anhydrous ammonia is usually stored as a liquid by keeping it under pressure. It is more efficient to store it that way than as a gas.

What is the difference between ammonia and anhydrous ammonia and ammonium hydroxide?

Anhydrous ammonia is really just ammonia in fact. "Anhydrous" means without water, and anhydrous ammonia is just pure ammonia without water.It is to distinguish it from ammonia in water solutions because when added to water ammonia forms ammonium hydroxide:NH3 + H2O ---> NH4+ + OH-Ammonium hydroxide is frequently referred to as ammonia because you make it by adding ammonia to water, but it isn't really ammonia. It is much more commonly though because it is easier to handle (ammonia is a gas).See the Web Links for more information about ammonia.

What turns anhydrous ammonia to liquid?

Anhydrous Ammonia (aka, NH3, Refrigeration Grade) can be turned into a liquid by either intense cooling or by compressing the gas.

What is the difference between anhydrous ammonia and aqua ammonia?

Anhydrous ammonia is standard, commercial grade ammonia. The term "anhydrous ammonia" emphasizes the absence of water in the material. Because ammonia boils at -33.34 °C, the liquid must be stored under high pressure or at low temperature. Aqua ammonia is another name for ammonium hydroxide, a solution of ammonia in water. This is the household ammonia offered in stores and used in some cleaning products.

What is the role of ammonia in the production of fertilizer?

Ammonia is used as a nitrifier...generally in the anhydrous form.

How is ammonia used in Oklahoma agriculture?

Anhydrous ammonia is used to provide nitrogen to the soil.

What is the Refrigerant ammonia?

Refrigerant ammonia also is the Refrigerant r717,it is purity of 99.98% or more of anhydrous ammonia, relative to ordinary ammonia, the refrigeration level of ammonia on water vapor and magazine requirements are higher.