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Drainage Basin

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Q: What is the land area that contributes water to a stream?
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Related questions

What is the land area form which a stream gets its water?

The stream's catchment.

What is the purpose of a water shed?

A watershed is not a building, it is an area of land that contributes run off to a given lake, stream, river or other body of water. It's purpose is to supply water to the water body. (From

What is the land area from which a stream gets water?

Drainage Basin

What is an the area of land in which water drains into a stream system?

drainage basin

What is a stream of water cutting through land?

A stream of water cutting through land is a river.

The area of land that a stream or river gets its water from is called a?

it sounds like a drainage basin

Large stream of water that flows across the land?

River, stream, waterway, brook, canal, or watercourse

What is the area of land that a river collects its water from called?

I believe its called a water shed but I'm not completely sure about that.AnswerA watershed (one word) is a ridge or other dividing line between stream catchments, although the term is (confusingly) also applied to the catchment area. Another term is drainage basin.

What is a stream of water on land called?

A River

A stream of water that flows across the land and empties into another body of water?

A river is a large stream of fresh water that flows across land and empties into an ocean, lake, or some other body of water.

Area of land surrounded by water?

An area of land surrounded by water is an island

What is a small body of water that flows across the land?

A stream.