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the lowest temperature is 5,000 degrees Celsius

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1mo ago

The lowest temperature on the surface of the sun is about 5,500 degrees Celsius (9,932 degrees Fahrenheit). However, temperatures in the sun's core, where nuclear fusion occurs, can reach over 15 million degrees Celsius (27 million degrees Fahrenheit).

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Lowest to highest temperatures in the sun?

The lowest temperature in the sun's visible surface (photosphere) is around 5,500 degrees Celsius, while the highest temperatures in the sun's core can reach up to 15 million degrees Celsius. However, in the sun's outer atmosphere (corona), temperatures can soar to several million degrees Celsius.

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Planet Mercury had the most extreme temperatures since it locate very near to sun and had no atmosphere so it don't have green house effect to normalize the temperature. Lowest temperature is -183oC on the side face out the sun to 427 oC on the side that facing the sun.

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Neptune is expected to have the lowest surface temperature among Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune. This is due to Neptune's farther distance from the sun compared to Uranus and Saturn, resulting in less solar energy reaching its atmosphere.

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Pluto is not the lowest temperature. The lowest temperature possible is −273.15°C. Pluto's coldest temperature is about −233°C.

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When is the lowest temperature of the day usually observed?

The lowest temperature of the day is usually felt at sunrise.

What classification of stars has the lowest surface temperature?

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