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Mass number refers to a particular isotope of 82Pb.

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Q: What is the mass number of this element 82 pb?
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What is the mass number of this element Pb 82 207.19?

Lead is a metal element. Atomic Mass number of it is 207.

What is the mass number of this lead atom?

... that each atom of lead contains 82 protons in its nucleus.

What is the name of element which atomic number is 82?

Atomic number 82 is Lead (Pb).

What is the atomic number of this element of PB?

The atomic number for the Element Lead is 82.

How many electrons are in lead outer shell?

82. Lead is an element with symbol Pb and atomic number 82. The atomic number relates to the amount of electrons of the element

What is the name of the element with the atomic number of 82?

Element 82 is lead with the symbol Pb (from the Latin "plumbum.")

What element has an atomic mass of 166 with 82 protons?

An isotope of Lead, Pb.

How many proton's neutrons and electrons of Pb are present with a mass number of 207 and an atomic number of 82?

atomic mass equal to number of protons and neutrons. If Pb has a mass of 207 and an atomic number of 82, that means that there are 82 protons in Pb, which also means there should be 82 electrons. That leaves neutrons, which would be 207-82=125 neutrons.

What element has 82 protons and 126 neutrons?

Mass number is found by adding the number of protons plus the number of neutrons. Electrons are not added because they are so minute that their masses have almost no bearing on the total mass of the atom. In this case, the mass number would be about 214.

What is the lead mass?

Lead (Pb) has the atomic number 82 with an Atomic Mass of 207.2 amu.

What element does Pb stand for in the periodic table?


What has 86 electrons125 neutrons and 82 protons?

The element with 86 electrons, 125 neutrons, and 82 protons is the element Lead (Pb). The number of protons (atomic number) determines the element, and in this case, it is 82 for lead. The sum of protons and neutrons gives the atomic mass, which is 207 in this case, making it the isotope with mass number 207.