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there are many non metals that are very very reactive. some are even more reactive than some certain metals. there are no exact answers to that but according to me, it should be fluorine.


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Q: What is the most reactive non metal?
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Fluorine is the most reactive non-metal.

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What is the most reactive non-metal?

The most reactive non-metal is fluorine. It is often nicknamed the 'Tyrannosaurus Rex' of the elements because of its reactivity. NB . Oxygen ,which we breath, is also a very reactive element. If it wasn't so reactive we would probably die.

Where is the most reactive metals are found in the Periods table?

The most reactive metal on the table is Caesium. Fluorine is the most reactive non-metal on the table. For metal periods, reactivity decreases from left to right. Non-metals are the opposite.

Most reactive non metal?

The most reactive nonmetals are the Halogens, found in group 17. These elements tend to have 7 electrons in their outermost energy level (valence electrons). Since they only need one more electron to stabilize, they react easily to form a negative ion.