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The Scoville Scale

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Q: What is the name of the scale used to measure the heat of chilies?
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What is the name of chilies in Sanskrit?

The name of chilies in Sanskrit is "Maricha".

What is the name of the scale that you measure earthquakes?

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The Saffir-Simpson scale

What is the special name for wind measurement?

The Beaufort Scale is used to measure wind.

What is the scientific name of chili chiltepe?

Chiletpin chilies are thought to be the oldest cultivar of Capsicum annuum, the earliest chili pepper, and are sometimes referred to as the "Mother of all chilies".

What is a beafort scale?

is an empirical measure that relates wind speed to observed conditions at sea or on land. Its full name is the Beaufort Wind Force Scale.

Why was the thermometer given its name?

thermo- prefix = temperature/heat -meter suffix = measure thermometer = measure temperature

What is the name of the scale used to measure the intensity of a tornado?

The most well, known scale is the Fujita scale, which runs from F0 to F5. In the U.s. it has been replaced by the Enhanced Fujita scale, which, similarly, runs from EF0 to EF5.

What scale is use to measure the strength of a tornado and how did it gets its name?

The Fujita Scale (replaced by the Enhanced Fujita Scale in 2007) is used to rate the intensity of tornadoes from F0 to F5 based on damage. It gets its name from its creator, Dr. Tetsuya Fujita.