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90 degrees north latitude and 90 degrees south latitude are the maximum values; they represent the exact locations of the pole. Zero degrees is the equator. 180 degrees longitude is the exact limit of longitude; it represents the originally defined location of the International Date Line, exactly opposite the Prime Meridian. Oh. On second reading (and some editing of the question) I finally grasped the question. Latitude: the equator is one. Then there is one to eighty nine in the north, and again in the south. 90 degrees north and south are points, not lines. That makes 179 lines of latitude. Then you have the Prime Meridian (one); and 179 degrees east, and again west. That's 359. Then there is 180 degrees which makes 360 lines of longitude. 179 plus 360 equals 539 lines total.

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Q: What is the number of 1 degree latitude and longitude lines that can be drawn on a globe?
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What is drawn on the 180degrees longitude line?

The International Date Line corresponds closely, but not exactly, to the 180 degree line of longitude.

How many lines of latitude are there when drawn at interval of 1 degree each?

If drawn on a globe at intervals of one degree, there would be 178 lines and two points.

Why are latitude and longitude important to maps?

They are imaginary lines drawn on maps that help in navigation and in fixing the position of a ship or aeroplane.

Does latitude run north to south or east to west?

latitude runs East to west. Longitude runs north to south. In other words, the lines of latitude are measured in degrees north and south of the equator and lines of longitude are measured in degrees east and west of the prime meridian.

What is the latitude and longitude lines that are drawn at 5 percent intervals of India. Labe these on the west and north sides of the map?

it is 300 degrees interval

What lines drawn on maps help locate places?

Latitude lines are imaginary lines that run East to West but measure North to South on the Globe. I remember latitude is fatitude. Longitude lines go North to South but measure East to West. I remember it as LONGitude.

How many meridians can be drawn on the globe at 5 degree interval?

72 number of meridians can be drawn on the globe at 5 degree interval

How are the meridians of longitude drawn on the globe?

Each line of longitude extends from one pole to the other, perpendicular to the equator. Along each meridian, the equator is 0° latitude, the north pole is 90° north latitude, and the south pole is 90° south latitude. The prime meridian, which is the meridian that passes through Greenwich, England, is 0° longitude, and the international date line, directly opposite the prime meridian, is 180° east or west longitude.

Lines of latitude are also called what?

Parallels and meridians. Circles parallel to the Equator (lines running east and west) are parallels of latitude. They are used to measure degrees of latitude north or south of the Equator. Meridians of longitude are drawn from the North Pole to the South Pole and are at right angles to the Equator.

What is the maximum number of 1 degree longitude lines that can be drawn on a globe?

Looking at a sphere, the Earth, from the side, i.e. - the equator, eliminating each 'pole' position, which would appear as 'points', as opposed to 'lines', lines drawn at one degree intervals from top (North) to bottom (South), would number 178; given that there are 180 degrees from North to South.

How are the lines of latitude and longitude alike?

A few similarities include:-- Both are sets of imaginary lines. You may be standing exactly on one, ordriving, sailing or flying over it, but you see no line there.-- Both are loci (locuses) of constant angles. One is a locus of constant latitude,the other is a locus of constant longitude.-- Both are markers of angles corresponding to the familiar, ordinary, everydaypolar coordinate system.-- Both are almost universally misunderstood.-- There is no limit to the number of either set. There are potentially an infinite numberof longitude lines, since a line may be drawn at any longitude. And there are potentiallyan infinite number of latitude lines, since a line may be drawn at any latitude.-- Every member of one set intersects ALL of the members of the other set.-- Both may or may not be printed on any given globe or map. It's the publisher's choice.-- When they are printed on a map or globe, the interval between lines is also completelyup to the publisher.A few differences include:-- All longitude lines intersect, but no latitude lines intersect.-- Latitude lines are complete circles, but longitude lines are semi-circles.-- Latitude lines are all parallel, but no two longitude lines are parallel.-- All longitude lines are 1/2 of a great circle of the Earth, but only one latitude line(the equator) is a great circle of the Earth.-- All longitude lines are the same length, but for each latitude line, there is onlyone other that has the same length.-- Longitude lines are all centered on the Earth's center, but latitude lines are allcentered somewhere on the Earth's axis.

Why does horizontal scale of a mercator projection increase with latitude?

The vertical (or latitude) scale increases with latitude, keeping the hoizontal (longitude) constant. This is in order to make the lines of longitude parallel on the chart, instead of, in reality, converging toward the poles. This allows courses to be plotted and drawn on the chart, as straight lines crossing the lines of longitude at the same angle. Known as 'plane sailing'. ie. it is on a plane (flat surface) not a globe.