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Since the dissociation constant for hydrogen peroxide is 2.4 x 10^-12 (very very small) if only a 3% concentration were to be mixed with water the pH would be negligible. However the main reason Hydrogen peroxide stings when you spill or pour it on a cut to disinfect it is because of its fairly high reactivity.

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1mo ago

The pH of a 3% hydrogen peroxide and water solution is around 4.0. This means it is slightly acidic.

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How do you prepare 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide?

1 part of hydrogen peroxide out of 30% hydrogenperoxide bottle add 10 parts of distilled water

Is three percent hydrogen peroxide a suspension or a colloid?

Three percent hydrogen peroxide is typically considered a solution rather than a suspension or a colloid. This is because the hydrogen peroxide molecules are fully dissolved in the water solvent at this concentration.

Is 3 percent hydrogen peroxide a suspension?

No, 3% hydrogen peroxide is not a suspension. It is a solution where hydrogen peroxide is completely dissolved in water. A suspension would involve particles of hydrogen peroxide that are not fully dissolved and would settle over time.

What is the solvent and solute of hydrogen peroxide?

The material most commonly called "hydrogen peroxide", especially by non-chemists, is a solution of the solute hydrogen peroxide in water as the solvent.

How many liters to 50 percent water and 50 percent of hydrogen peroxide?

If you have a solution that is 50% water and 50% hydrogen peroxide, you would have equal volumes of each component. So if you have 1 liter of this solution, you would have 0.5 liters of water and 0.5 liters of hydrogen peroxide.

What colour is hydrogen peroxide solution?

Hydrogen Peroxide itself is as colorless as water. Hydrogen peroxide solution is a bit ambiguous, and could vary with what you mean by "solution".

How do you dilute 100 vol hydrogen peroxide to make a 6 percent solution?

To dilute 100 vol hydrogen peroxide to make a 6% solution, you would mix 1 part 100 vol hydrogen peroxide with approximately 16 parts of water (since 100 vol is approximately 30% hydrogen peroxide). This dilution will result in a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution.

What is the percent composition of hydrogen peroxide solution when used as a topical antiseptic?

Hydrogen peroxide solution typically contains about 3% hydrogen peroxide and 97% water when used as a topical antiseptic. This concentration is effective for cleaning wounds and helping to prevent infection.

How do you dilute 20 volume hydrogen peroxide to make a 3 percent solution?

To dilute 20 volume hydrogen peroxide to make a 3% solution, mix 1 part of 20 volume hydrogen peroxide with about 6 parts water. This will result in a 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Remember to handle hydrogen peroxide carefully and wear appropriate protective gear.

Is hydrogen peroxide the same as hydrogen peroxide solution?

No, hydrogen peroxide refers to the chemical compound H2O2, which is a colorless liquid. Hydrogen peroxide solution is a diluted form of hydrogen peroxide mixed with water, commonly found in concentrations of 3% or 0.5%.

Why is ammonia water is added to hydrogen peroxide?

Ammonia water is added to hydrogen peroxide to stabilize the hydrogen peroxide solution, preventing it from decomposing rapidly. This helps to extend the shelf life of the hydrogen peroxide solution and maintain its potency for longer periods of time.

What is the solute and solvent of hydogen peroxide?

In a solution of hydrogen peroxide, the solute is the hydrogen peroxide itself, while the solvent is typically water since hydrogen peroxide is commonly dissolved in water for use.