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Q: What is the particle that gives a rock texture?
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Particle that gives rock texture?


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What is foilation?

A texture that gives the rock a layered appeareance.

How do you describe a metamorphic rock?

a foliated rock is a metamorphic rock with a texture that gives the rock a layered appearance.

Is particle density influence by the soil texture?

soil texture is heavily influenced by particle density

What gives rock it's texture?

The sizes,shapes,and positions of the grains that make up a rock.

What is the word that describes the shapes and sizes of the grains in a rock?

They are references to the rock's texture.

What Mineral alignment in a metamorphic rock usually gives the rock a porphyritic texture?

A porphyritic texture can be a feature of igneous rocks, but 'porphyritic' is not used to describe metamorphic rock texture. Metamorphic rocks can be foliated or non-foliated, terms used to describe mineral alignment or banding, or the lack thereof.

What gives a rock its texture?

The texture of a rock depends on the minerals and/or fossils it contains, as well as the processes the components of the rock went through when it was form. For example, a pumice rock (the one that has a lot of holes) has its texture because the magma that form it lost a lot gas, and while the gas escaped the holes started to form. On the other side, some sedimentary rocks have a lot fossils which gives them their specific texture as well as sedimentary rocks can have ripples which means the sediments that constitute that rock were joint together in a beache where waves were moving constantly. The shape of these waves can tell geologists the direction of the current when the rock was formed.

When mineral grains in a metamorphic rock do not form layers the rock has what texture?

no texture

What type of texture does an organic sedimentary rock have?

well it depends. if its agray rock, it has a gray texture. if its a gold rock, it has a high value texture. etc