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a fault is what it is called.

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Q: What is the place called where tectonics plates interact?
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Why does plate tectonics take place?

because of the plates moving

The place where 2 tectonics plates slide past each other?

slip fault?

How do plate tectonics causes earthquakes?

The concept of plate tectonics has revolutionized the explanation about how earthquakes occur in Earth Sciences. Plate tectonics tells us that the Earth's rigid outer shell (lithosphere) is broken into a mosaic of oceanic and continental plates which can slide over the plastic aesthenosphere, which is the uppermost layer of the mantle. The plates are in constant motion. Where they interact, along their margins, important geological processes take place, such as the formation of mountain belts, earthquakes, and volcanoes.

The place where tectonic plates touch is known as the what?

It is called plate boundarys :P

Where are volcanos most common?

The ring of fire!! Or the edges of tectonic plates.

Is land masses and oceans are permanently set in place?

According to the theory of plate tectonics, no. The theory of plate tectonics basically states that all the continents and oceans rest on massive pieces of the Earth's crust called "plates". These plates sort of float on the mantle beneath them. Thus, plates are able to move. Sometimes, one plate can get pulled underneath another one, in a process known as subduction. Because plates are constantly moving, the continents and oceans that rest above them move also. This is why the Pacific ocean is gradually getting smaller, the Atlantic gradually growing, etc.

When to tectonic plates push into each other the place the to plates meet is called what boundary?

Fault lines

When two tectonic plates push into each other the place the two plates meet is what?

They are called a Plate Boundaries :)

What will happen to the earth if plate tectonics will not take place give the answer?

the plate tectonics will be flat and no more volcanoes.

What is the place called where two plates meet?

The Plate Boundaries. It could be called the plate boundary, plate edge, or continental divide. With tectonic plates, they meet at the fault line.

Why are there so many earthquakes in Asia?

All earthquakes are caused by plate tectonics, that is the movement of the different plates that make up the surface of our earth. Earthquakes occur at the boundaries between these plates, (there are 7 plates), when the plates "bump" up against one another or separate enough. The place where these incident occur are called "fault lines". There are two major fault lines in close proximity to the nation of China, and the activity in these fault lines occasionally coincide, giving the illusion of high activity. The reality is that earthquakes in China are no more frequent than in other areas where plate tectonics occur around the globe.

What is the place where two tectonic plates move away from each other horizontially?

The place where two tectonic plates move away from each other horizontally are called divergent plate boundaries.