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Tobacco smoke (primary or side stream) contains over 400 components. Some of the odourless (or nearly so) are: * PAHs * Carbon Monoxide * Carbon dioxide * Methane * Propane * Glycols * Nicotine * Benzo(a)pyrene * Tars * Radiactive materials

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Q: What is the poisonous colorless odorless gas that is found in cigarette smoke?
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Where can the colorless and odorless gass methane be found?

Colorless and Odorless gas methane can be found in the Earths atmosphere it said that it is fairly potent. Natural methane has no smell, methane smells because of additives such as methanethiol to alert people of gas leaks.

What carbon monoxide used for?

it is a gas emitted in automobile fumes... it is colorless and odorless... it can kill you by taking the place of oxygen in red blood cells and depriving your body of oxygen... your home needs to be tested for carbon monoxide... it is found in cigarette smoke... hope that helps!

What do you mean by ozazone?

Ozone is a colorless, odorless reactive gas comprised of three oxygen atoms. It is found naturally in the earth's stratosphere.( ) ( )( '_' )(")(")

Would krypton be shiny or dull?

Krypton is not a metal, so therefore, it is not shiny or dull. It is a noble gas, and it's colorless and odorless.

Is carbon dioxide a gas liquid or a solid?

Carbon Dioxide is a gas here is the definition I found-A colorless, odorless, gas produced by burning fossil fuels, sometimes referred to as a green house gas because it contributes to earth warming.

When was gas discovered?

Laughing gas (Nitrous oxide) is a chemical compound (N2O) found by English chemist Joseph Priestley in 1775. You may have had laughing gas when you have gone to the dentist. It is colorless and odorless and helps you feel more comfortable.

What is the common state of krypton?

Krypton is a Noble gas. But it has two different main forms. It can be found in the Earth's atmosphere (about 1ppm) and also in Mars' (.3ppm). It's solid form is a type of crystal. It's gas is colorless and odorless.

Are there any normal household items that act as an odorless tasteless poison?

Anti freeze, pesticides and prescription medication can all be poisonous. It is a good idea to keep these away from food or where they can be found by children.

Who invented laughing gas?

Laughing gas (Nitrous oxide) is a chemical compound (N2O) found by English chemist Joseph Priestley in 1775. You may have had laughing gas when you have gone to the dentist. It is colorless and odorless and helps you feel more comfortable.

What happens when oxalic acid goes into the mouth?

Oxalic acid is found in such plants such as spinach and other plants like rhubarb. In high concentrations oxalic acid is poisonous. Oxalic acid is a organic compound that is colorless.

What is the odor of scandium?

Nope it is found to be Odorless

Is a colorless gas of low mass that is rarely found uncombined?

Hydrogen is a colorless gas of low density that is rare found uncombined since it is extremely flammable.