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Most likely this is some sort of radioactive decay.

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Q: What is the process by which the nucleus of an atom changes so that a new element is formed?
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When neutrons are released from the nucleus it changes to what?

Isotopes of the element is formed when the number of neutron changes.

How do the atomic number change?

The atomic number of an element is FIXED it can not normally be changed. However, if the element's atom is struck by an atomic particle or the element is radioactive then the composition of the atoms nucleus can be altered. Changes to the composition of the nucleus can cause a NEW element to be formed or indeed split the atom into two NEW smaller/lighter atoms.

How can scientist determine whether the nucleus formed is that of new element or that of new isotope of known element?

They can tell whether the nucleus formed is that of a new element or that of an isotope by determining the number of protons inside the nucleus. If the number of protons are different, then it is a different element (not necessarily new). If the number of protons are the same, then it is an isotope.

What are the three parts of element?

Electrons and the atomic nucleus; the nucleus contain protons and neutrons (which are formed from quarks and gluons).

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What kinds of changes to a nucleus occur for each kind of nuclear decay?

In alpha decay, the nucleus loses 2 protons and 2 neutrons. This causes the atomic number to decrease by 2, thus a new element is formed. The mass also changes by 4. Extra energy is also released as gamma radiation. In beta decay, one neutron in the nucleus changes into a proton and the nucleus emits a beta particle (the electron). Also gamma rays may be released calling away extra energy. The nucleus now has 2 more proton so the atomic number increases by 1 and again a new different element has been formed. The mass number of the isotope is still the same.

What makes a compound and an element?

A chemical compound is formed from chemical elements.A chemical element is formed from atoms; atoms contain an atomic nucleus (protons and neutrons), electrons and...vacuum.

What do scientists have to know about the new nucleus to determine whether the newly formed nucleus is that of a new element or that of a new isotope of a known element?

They can tell whether the nucleus formed is that of a new element or that of an isotope by determining the number of protons inside the nucleus. If the number of protons are different, then it is a different element (not necessarily new). If the number of protons are the same, then it is an isotope.

How can products of radioactive decay be a different element?

All the atoms of an element have the same number of protons in the nucleus of each atom. When the nucleus of a radioactive element such as Uranium splits into pieces, the "new" atoms formed have smaller numbers of protons in each atom.

Which compound is formed as the common product of the process of photosynthesis?

Glucose is formed by photosynthesis. The other product is oxygen, but that is an element.

If the number of protons in an atom changes a new element is formed?

The changing of one element into another, called transmutation, involves a change in the nucleus of the atom. And the number of protons in the nucleus must change for one element to become another one. It is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom that determines what element that atom is, and only a change in the proton count will herald the change of one element into another. The neutron count may or may not change in transmutation, but be assured that the number of protons will change.

When elements are formed by another element why is it dangerous?

The process where an element turns to another is radioactive decay, and exposure to radioactivity is dangerous.