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The process of warm rising and cool air sinking is called convection. Convection is the concerted, collective movement of groups or aggregates of molecules within fluids and rheids, either through advection or through diffusion or as a combination of both of them.

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Q: What is the process of warm air rising and cool air sinking called?
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What is the nae of the prossoe of warm air rising asnd cool air sinking?

The process of warm air rising and cool air sinking is called convection current The process of warm air rising and cool air sinking is called convection current

What is the process of warm air rising and cool air sinking?

The process of warm rising and cool air sinking is called convection. Convection is the concerted, collective movement of groups or aggregates of molecules within fluids and rheids, either through advection or through diffusion or as a combination of both of them.

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A circular pattern of warm material rising and cool materiel sinking.

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Does convection involves cool gas rising toward the solar surface and hot gas sinking into the interior?

yes it does.

Is the pattern of warm air rising and cool air sinking is known as the conduction current?

It's known as a convection current not a conduction current :)

What is the result in the tendency for warm air to rise and cool air to sink?

The result of warm air rising and cool air sinking is convection currents of air, causing wind. Even hurricanes are caused by this phenomenon.

Is cool magma sinking and warm magma convection?

When cool magma sinks and warm magma rises, yes that is convection.

Does Rising air cool and expand?

Correct; it does so adiabatically.

Cool move to take the place of warm air rising air is also know as?

Cool air moving to take the place of warm air rising is also known as Wind