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1:1,000ppm (this is in regards to disinfecting in a salon based situation)

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Q: What is the recommended strength of Quaternary ammonium compound for disinfecting?
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Is 10 percent ammonia considered a quaternary ammonium compound?

No. 10 percent ammonia is simply a solution of ammonia in water. An ammonium compound is a kind of compound formed by reacting ammonia with certain organic compounds.

This molecule is made of amino acids and is found in meats and peanut butter what is it?

Carnitine is a quaternary ammonium compound biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine.

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It is a solid compound Ammonium bromide.

What are quaternary ammonium compounds?

Quaternary ammonium compounds are partly ionic compounds that contain in each molecule one nitrogen atom covalently bonded to four distinct carbon atoms. This bonding is only possible as part of a polyatomic cation with a single positive charge, and the complete compound therefore requires an anion to achieve electrical neutrality.

Is ammonium nitrate a compound?

Yes, ammonium nitrate is a compound.

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Ammonium fluoride is an Ionic Compound.

What is the name of this compound NH4CI?

I think its ammonia carbonate It is ammonium carbonate :)

Which compound has bond angles of 109.5 degrees around the central atom?

I'd say it would be easier to list the ones that aren't, but in actuality it would be impossible to list either. Any molecule that has tetrahedral geometry qualifies, examples, ammonium, methane, ethane, propane...ANY alkane, any quaternary ammonium compound.

Is ammonium chloride a organic or inorganic compound?

Ammonium chloride is an inorganic compound.

Is ammonium carbonate an element or a compound.?

Ammonium carbonate - (NH4)2CO3 - is a chemical compound.

Is ammonium bicarbonate a compound?

Yes. Ammonium bicarbonate is an ionic compound with the formula NH4HCO3.