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Every elements has atomic number, elements identity determined the number of protons in its nucleus.

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Q: What is the relationship between the atomic number and the elements identity?
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The mole is the atomic weight expressed in grams.

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the atomic number is equal to the number of electrons(-) and protons(+): that is why elements have no charge, as a neutron is neural

What is the relationship of the proton number to the elements identity?

Proton number, which is an element's atomic number, identifies an element. Each element has a unique atomic number (number of protons).

What is the law of traid?

A German chemist Dobernier observed relationship between atomic masses of several groups of three elements called traids.In these groups the central or middle element had atomic mass average to the other two elements.

Are elements determined by protons?

Yes, it is the atomic number i.e. number of protons that determines an element's identity.

What is the relationship between an atoms atomic number and one mole of that atom?

There is no general exact relationship, because of the existence of neutrons in the nuclei of almost all elements and the lack of effect of neutrons on atomic number. An atom's gram atomic mass, however, is equal to the mass of one mole of the atoms in question.

Is there a difference between mass and atomic mass when dealing with elements?

Generally the term "atomic mass" is used for isotopes. For elements is preferred now "atomic weight".

What are the elements with atomic numbers from 58 to 71 called?

The elements with atomic numbers between 57 and 71 are called lanthanoids (or lanthanides).

How are the atomic numbers and the atomic masses of the elements related to how the elements are arranged on peridoic table?

Elements are arranged in a periodic table by atomic number, lower on top and left. Atomic masses have no direct relationship to the arrangement of atoms, although generally atoms with higher atomic numbers will have higher atomic masses. (There are at least three exceptions for atoms with atomic numbers differing by 1.)