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The smallest unit of a chemical element is the atom.

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Q: What is the smallest component in an element?
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Is the smallest part of an element is one atom?

The electron is the smallest component.

Smallest component that makes up an element?

it is a electro9n

How are molecules similar to atoms?

They are both the smallest component of an element.

What is the smallest unit pure element?

This is not a question or a sentance for that mater. Please restructure. Hydrogen is the smallest pure element. Smallest main structure component of an element is the electron. Hope this helped.

What is just an element?

A chemical element is the smallest component of matter characterized by a specific number of protons.

What is an aluminum atom?

An atom is simply the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element. An aluminum atom, is simply that, the smallest part of aluminum having the chemical properties of aluminum.

What is pixel on a computer screen short for?

Pixel is short for "picture element", the smallest discrete component on a screen.

Is silver a subatomic particle?

No -- silver is an element. It's smallest possible component is an atom of silver, which (obviously) can not be sub-atomic.

Which is the smallest component protons electrons neutrons or atoms?

Electrons are the smallest component of an atom.

What the smallest form of a element?

The smallest form of an element is an atom. :))

What the smallest particle of an element that can be identified as that element is?

a quark or if you mean the smallest element hydrogen

The smallest unit of an element that maintains the properties of that element.?

The smallest unit of an element that maintains the properties of that element is the atom.