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A molecule.

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Q: What is the smallest representative particle for a compound like H2O?
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What is the representative particle of potassium?

A representative particle is thought of as the smallest unit into which a substance may be divided without changing its composition. Some examples might be helpful. For a given chemical element, it's an atom. An atom of carbon is the smallest unit of carbon one can find.For covalently bonded compounds & diatomic molecules, the representative particle is a molecule. For example, an atom of hydrogen and an atom chlorine covalently bond to make a molecule of hydrochloric acid (HCl), and that's the smallest unit of this compound that there is. Because a molecule is a group of 2 or more atoms covalently bonded together, the smallest particles of ionic compounds are the respective ions. For example the smallest particle of the ionic compound sodium chloride (NaCl, or table salt) is a sodium ion (Na+) and a chlorine ion (Cl-).There is a "scaled up" application in physics and engineering, and it might apply to something like a grain of wheat being the representative particle of that grain crop. A kernel of corn might be the representative particle for that grain crop. A grain of salt might be the representative particle for granular salt as a market commodity. These are important because of considerations regarding density and "close packing" and "voids" in bulk quantities of each commodity. There are more examples of the application of the term if one looks.A given size granule of an aggregate might be the representative particle for analysis in something like moisture penetration in sand, small pebbles, or chunks of rock.On the other end of the scale, there are representative particles for certain applications in the physics lab where something like the characteristics of a particle beam may be under consideration. A certain particle of given mass and energy might be the representative particle for, say, the study of particle beam divergence.Most applications for the student will be in chemistry, and that's where the atom, molecule or, possibly, the ion, will be shown to be the representative particles of an element, a compound, or an electrolytic solution respectively.

What is The smallest particle of matter that still acts like that kind of matter is?

An atom of an element or a molecule of a compound.

What is The smallest part of a compound that still acts like that compound is?

As an "atom" is to an element - the smallest unit, so a "molecule" is to a compound.

What is smallest part or compound that acts like the compound?

an atom

The smallest particle of oxygen that behaves like oxygen is an oxygen?

An oxygen atom

The smallest particles of compounds like water are called?

elements..because.....two elements form a compound

What would stars be like if carbon had the smallest mass per nuclear particle?

Supernovae would be more common

What is meant by the term molecule explain why the term has no meaning for an ionic compound?

The smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical and physical properties of the substance and is composed of two or more atoms; a group of like or different atoms held together by chemical forces.

What is The smallest complete unit of a compound or diatomic gas?

A molecule; for a diatomic gas this would be something like H2 , Cl2 etc. A compound would be CO2 or CH4 for example.

What is the smallest unit of sound wave energy?

The smallest unit of sound wave energy is the phonon. The phonon and the photon and the electron can in some ways all behave like a small particle.

Is an atom a smallest particle when to compounds join together?

A compound is a number of atoms have combined together, such as CO which is carbon monoxide. When 2 compounds join together you just get a bigger compound like CaCO3 calcium carbonate. The individual items in these compounds are the atoms, though they might have had to share some electrons (becoming ions), depending on how the combination happens.

The smallest particle of an element?

The electrons are less massive than both the protons and neutrons and are therefore the smallest particles of an element, unless you wanted to go to a smaller scale like with quarks and stuff.