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When wind shear occurs, air moves at different speeds, heights, and directions. This can eventually lead to the formation of a mesocyclone. A mesocyclone is a rotation column of air, starting at horizontal, but becoming vertical when a powerful updraft knocks it vertical. If a RFD is present, it will rotate downward hugging the surface of the mesocyclone, funneling a smaller and smaller point as it reaches the bottom. This is like a skater pulling in her arms, leading to faster rotation. The same is true for tornadoes. If a powerful updraft creates a low pressure area near the surface, the combination of RFD pushing downward and low pressure area near the surface, drawing the funnel downward, could eventually lead to a complete tornado.

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Q: What is the steps that change wind shear into a tornado?
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Wind shear can result in the formation of a?

Wind shear can result in the formation of a tornado.

Wind shear can cause a formation of what?

wind shear causes the formation of a tornado if you have a strong thunderstorm.

Is wind shear the cause of a tornado?

Not directly, but it is a very important component in tornado formation.

What is a change in speed and direction of the wind at different altitudes in the same column of air?

wind shear

What tornado creating ingredient causes the air to rotate?

Wind shear.

Can fluctuation of wind cause a tornado?

Not directly. But changes in wind speed and direction in altitude, called wind shear, plays an important role in tornado formation.

Why can't a jet stream cause a tornado?

The jet stream produces wind shear, or differences in wind speed and direction with changing height. Wind shear is a necessary ingredient for producing tornadoes, but on its own it can't do much. To get tornadoes you need thunderstorms. When thunderstorms develop in strong enough wind shear they can start to rotate. This rotation can the develop into a tornado. But this sort of rotation cannot be produced by wind shear alone.

Which one of the cause a tornado stationary fronts or wind shear condensation dry climates?

Condensation and wind shear are both important in tornado formation. Tornadoes develop from thunderstorms, which are powered by the energy released from condensation. Wind shear is what gives thunderstorms the rotation then need to produce tornadoes. Tornado-producing storms may form along a stationary front, but are more common along cold fronts.

What conditions exist during a tornado?

Two main weather conditions exist to create a tornado: instability in the atmosphere and wind shear in the lower atmosphere. In the case of a tornado, instability refers to the presence of warm air closer to the Earth's surface and cooler air further above the surface. Wind shear refers to instances when the wind direction changes, and wind speed increases, with height. These conditions usually exist only ahead of a cold front and low pressure system, and are especially found in thunderstorms. The spinning motion of tornadoes is often caused by the interaction between the updrafts and downdrafts in the thunderstorm and the wind shear. The conflicting drafts cause the wind shear to tilt, and an upright tornado vortex is formed.

One of the conditions that can cause a tornado to form is when the wind in an area blows in different directions at different altitudes This is called?

This is called wind shear.

When One of the conditions that can cause a tornado to form is when the wind in an area blows in different directions at different altitudes is called?

This is called wind shear.

Why did tornado occur in Asia?

Thunderstorms began rotating due to interactions with wind shear. The rotation in at least one of these storms tightened and intensified to produce a tornado.