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Q: What is the subscript for ammonium in ammonium dichromate?
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What is the subscript for ammonium in the chemical formula ammonium dichromate?

Ammonium Dichromate: (NH4)2Cr2O7. The subscript on Ammonium (NH4) is 2.

What is the best label to put on a bottle of ammonium dichromate?

" ammonium dichromate"

Why are there 7 oxygen's in ammonium dichromate?

The dichromate ion is Cr2O7-2. Ammonium dichromate is two ammonium ions and one dichromate ion (to balance charges- ammonium has a +1 charge and dichromate has a -2 charge): (NH4)2Cr2O7. Therefore, ammonium dichromate would contain 7 oxygen atoms.

What is the molar mass of ammonium dichromate?

The molar mass of ammonium dichromate is 252,07 g.

Please Help me in finding the valency of dichromate in ammonium dichromate?

valency of dichromate in potassium dichromate

Is ammonium dichromate explosive?


What is NH4Cr2O7?

It's ammonium dichromate.

Is heating ammonium dichromate a chemical or physical change?

It is a chemical change because the ammonium dichromate changes color, explodes, and probably creates a gas during the change.

Which one is better for titration with Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate potassium dichromate or potassium permaganate and why?

potassium dichromate

How many atoms are in one formula unit of ammonium dichromate?

Aluminum dichromate has the formula unit of Al2(Cr2O7)3. This means there are two aluminum, six chromate and 21 oxygen atoms present for a total of 29 atoms.

Result of burn ammonium dichromate?

Ammonium dichromate decomposes while burning to Nitrogen, Water and Chromium(III) oxide.(NH4)2Cr2O7 ----> N2 + 4 H2O + Cr2O3

The subscript of ammonium in a compound formed between ammonium and phosphate ion is?