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12,600 degrees Fahrenheit.

9000 thousand degrees Fahrenheit

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Q: What is the temperature of the inner core in Fahrenheit?
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What is the inner core's temperature?

10000 Degrees Fahrenheit

How hot is the inner core Fahrenheit?

is the mantle hotter or colder the the inner core

What is the core's temperature in Fahrenheit?

The core's temperature is approximately 1500C and in Fahrenheit its 45699F

What temperature is the moon's core?

The moon's core temperature is approximately 2,400 to 2,600 Fahrenheit or 1,327 to 1,427 Celsius. The core of the moon is mainly made up of iron and it has an inner molten mantle layer.

How hot is it in the center of the earth?

Well theres no specific permanent temperature for the earths center, but only averages, ranges and approximates of temperatures. The earths centre which is the core, consists of two layers the inner core and the outer core. The outer core has a temperature of about 7200 - 9032 degree Fahrenheit (4000 - 5000 degree celsius), while the temperature of the inner core is about 9032 - 1082 degree Fahrenheit (5000 - 6000 degree celsius).

How many degrees Fahrenheit has the inner core gotten to before?

The inner core is approximately 5000degrees Celsius

What is the temperature of the inner core of the earth in kelvin?

The temperature of the Earth's inner core is estimated to be around 6000 kelvin.

What is body core temperature?

The body's core temperature is the temperature of the inner organs like the liver, kidney and heart. It is more tightly fluctuates around a set point than does the temperature within peripheral tissues and limbs.

What is the average day temperature of Jupiter in Fahrenheit?

Jupiter's average surface temperature is -244 degrees Fahrenheit or -153 degrees Celsius. The average temperature in Jupiter's clouds is about -220 degrees Fahrenheit or -140 degrees Celsius. The hydrogen in Jupiter's inner core is in a liquid form.

What is the temperature of the inner core?

It is 5,000 degrees Celsius in Earth's inner core.

In which layer is the temperature the highest?

the inner core

In which layers is the temperature the highest?

the inner core