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Pitch and frequency both are measured in simple hertz.

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Q: What is the unit for measuring the pitch or frequency of sound?
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How do you convert hz to decibles?

You don't. Hz (always capitalized) is the unit for measuring frequency or pitch. dB is the unit for measuring amplitude or relative loudness of the sound. You cannot convert a frequency measurement to an amplitude measurement.

What symbol do we use to represent the unit of measurement we measure pitch with?

If you mean the pitch of a sound, that is related to its frequency. The SI unit is the Hertz.

How is pitch and frequency related?

Pitch is basically frequency... High Frequency = High Pitch Low Frequency = Low Pitch Definitions Frequency: The number of waves that pass a unit of time(like seconds,minutes,hours,and etc.) Pitch: The highness or lowness of a sound 5th Grade Stuff.... ^_^ =D

What is the unit for sound measurement?

the unit of measuring sound is decibel.

What gives a sound wave its pitch and intensity?

A sound wave's pitch is determined by its frequency; that is its cycles per unit of time. The sound wave's intensity or volume is determined by its amplitude; the maximum crest of a sound wave.

The unit which sound is measured?

The unit for measuring the volume of sound is the decibel.

What does a decibel have to do with sound?

A decibel is the unit of measuring the level of sound.

Unit for measuring loudness of sound?


What is the relationship of pitch and frequency?

Pitch and frequency are the same thing. Frequency is the generic term describing the number of waves per unit time. With audio waves, we experience more waves per unit time (a higher frequency) as a higher pitch.

What unit measures the frequency of sound?


What is the unit of pitch in music?

Pitch represents the perceived fundamental frequency of a sound, measured in hertz. It is one of the three major auditory attributes of sounds along with loudness and timbre.

The term is used to indicate the frequency level of a sound.?

Tough one! You see, there is a term for both thefrequency and the level. The most common term for the frequency would be the "Pitch" of the sound, and the frequency unit of measurement is the Hertz (cycles per second) or Hz. It is an accepted standard that the average Human can hear a spectrum from 20Hz (really low pitch) to 20kHz (really high pitch). The level of sound is commonly referred to as the "Loudness" and is measured in Decibels (db) and the most common measuring device is called an SPL (sound pressure level) Meter. So...If you were describing, lets say, a very loud "A" note above middle "C", the description could look like this; 440Hz @ +110db. Dave Bowling (db)