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radioactive dating <----------- your welcome we found the answer

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Q: What is the use of measuring the activity of a radioactive isotope in a sample to determine its age?
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Determine the amount of time it takes for three fourths of a radioactive sample of an isotope of bromine to decay the half-life of the isotope is 16.5 hours?

About 33 hours

How can radioactive half-life be used to date fossils?

Depending on the estimated age of the fossil, a specific isotope can be traced and measured. When a scientist knows the existing amount of the radioactive isotope, the half-life is used in the form of exponential functions to determine the amount of time the fossil must have existed outside of the body in order to lose the amount of material that has been lost over time. This can be done because scientists normally know how much of the isotope should exist in the fossil when it was first created

What elements are radioactive?

Answerelements with a nonstable isotope or at least one naturally occurring isotope that is radioactive. AnswerAll elements have radioactive isotopes.There are a lot of radioactive elements: Technetium, Promethium, Polonium, Astatine, Radon, Francium...Here is the whole list:

A radioactive isotope has eight neutrons Write the atomic number and mass number of this radioactive nitrogen as a chemical symbol with a subscript and superscript?

The atomic number of nitrogen is 7. When it is a radioactive isotope you add the number of neutrons to the atomic number (equaling 15). You then write 15 over 7 next to a capital 'N' representing Nitrogen.

What are monoisotopic elements?

Mono isotopic elements are stable isotope of an element.From 80 isotopic elements there are 26 radioactive elements discovered up till now.These mono isotopic may or may not be radioactive if they are radioactive they have halve lives.

Related questions

What is the radioactive decay law?

The rate of decay (activity) of a radioactive isotope is proportional to the number of atoms of the isotope present.

What is radioactive decay law?

The rate of decay (activity) of a radioactive isotope is proportional to the number of atoms of the isotope present.

What is the relationship between radioactive isotope and radioactive dating?

In radiometric dating, the amount of a certain radioactive isotope in an object is compared with a reference amount. This ratio can then be used to calculate how long this isotope has been decaying in the object since its formation. For example, if you find that the amount of radioactive isotope left is one half of the reference amount, then the amount of time since the formation of the object would be equal to that radioactive isotope's half-life.

When an isotope is blank it is radioactive?

When an isotope is unstable, it is said to be radioactive.

Can scientist use the isotope c-14 to date granite?

Yes because they look at the ammount of radioactive decay and they can determine the age of the granite. As the radioactive isotope decreases the non radioactive element increases. The less radioactive decay ammount there is the older it is.

What does a calibrator do in nuclear medicine?

simply, it measure the activity of a radioactive isotope in Ci "curie" or in Bq "Becquerel"

How is radioactive Isotope different from a stable isotope?

The radioactive isotope is disintegrated in time and emit radiations.

How is a radioactive isotope different from a stable isotope?

The radioactive isotope is disintegrated in time and emit radiations.

What is the similarity of radioactive isotope and radioactive dating?

Radioactive isotopes are used for radioactive dating. For example, you would use radioactive isotope Carbon-14 to date anything under 70,000 years that was once living. Radioactive isotopes decay from their parent isotope to daughter isotope at a constant rate (under any circumstances). The rate at which a parent isotope decays to its daughter isotope is considered one half life. Carbon-14 has a half life of 5730 years and its daughter isotope is Nitrogen-14. In order to determine how old something is you have to find out how much of the parent isotope is present in relation to the daughter.

When an isotope is blank it does not undergo radioactive decay?

when an isotope is it does not undergo radioactive decay

What does carbordating mean?

Do you mean carbon dating? Carbon dating is a process that scientists use to try to ascertain the age of an item by analyzing the amount of a radioactive carbon isotope that is present in the item. Generally this is used to date biological items. Like, really old trees and stuff. The percent of the radioactive isotope in the specimen is accumulated to normal levels as the thing was alive, after it is dead it stops absorbing new carbon and thus by measuring the ratio of isotopes that are decaying we can determine the age of the item. (using the half-life of the radioactive isotope)

What is half life of a isotope?

The half life of an isotope refers to the rate at which a radioactive isotope undergoes radioactive decay. Specifically, it is the amount of time it takes for half of a given sample of a radioactive isotope to decay.