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Mineralogy, according to Merriam-Webster(an online resource) is: 1 : a science dealing with minerals, their crystallography, properties, classification, and the ways of distinguishing them 2 : the mineralogical characteristics of an area, a rock, or a rock formation - min·er·al·og·i·cal \ˌmi-nə-rə-ˈlä-ji-kəl, ˌmin-rə-\ also min·er·al·og·ic \-ˈlä-jik\ adjective

- min·er·al·og·i·cal·ly \-ˈlä-ji-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

- min·er·al·o·gist \ˌmi-nə-ˈrä-lə-jist, -ˈra-\ noun

Also, refer to this Wikipedia site for the answer: Mineralogy is an Earth Science focused around the chemistry, crystal structure, and physical (including optical) properties of minerals.

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Q: What is they Study of minerals and their properties?
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What is minerology?

Mineralogy is defined as the scientific study of different minerals. This is a study that looks at different features and properties of minerals.

Where do mineralogists study?

The study of chemistry, crystal structure, and physical properties of minerals

What branch of science involves the study of minerals?

There are many branches in science. Mineralogy the study of minerals. However, it is also the study of the chemistry, crystal structure, and physical properties of minerals

What is the kids definition of mineralogy?

The study of minerals, including their distribution, identification, and properties.

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Metrology is the science of measurements. Zoologyis the study of animals.Meteorology refers to weather. Botany is the study of plants.Geology is the study of the Earth and of its characteristics.Astrophysics is the study of stars and their properties.Mineralogy is the study of minerals and their properties.

What ae the two physical properties of minerals?

what are two physical properties about minerals

What are the special properties minerals?

They are the properties that are unique to certain minerals such as flourescence or radioactivity

What properties of minerals do scientist use to identify minerals?

They have to identify their properties. That is how they identfiy the minerals. just kiddinq i dont know how can anyone help me!

Do rocks have organization?

People (geologists) have organized rocks and minerals into categories to better study them and compare their properties. The rocks themselves do not care about organization.

What properties distinguishes minerals from other substances?

Minerals crystal habit, cleavage, hardness, color and luster are the properties that distinguish minerals from other substances.

What properties of minerals are considered special properties that apply to only a few minerals?

Those would be properties like magnetism, fluorescence, triboluminescence.

Why do people study minerals?

People study minerals because they find out if it can be useful.