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Because some minerals have the same color streak, don't have a streak, or the streak is hard to see

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Q: What isn't a streak test used to help identify every mineral?
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How are streak and luster alike?

They both help to identify a mineral

What mineral test leaves a line of powder on a plate?

It is called the streak test. It can help identify the mineral by the color of the streak that is left.

What two ways can the appearance of a mineral help to identify it?

the color and streak or luster

Why is streak an important physical property of minerals?

A streak test is used to determine a minerals streak color. This can help in the identification of minerals.

One way to help identify a mineral is to rub it against a piece of porcelain tile This procedure tests the of the mineral?

That procedure tests the streak of the mineral. Oddly, the streak color of some minerals are different from the mineral's color.

What is a streak when it comes to talking about science?

'streak' is the color that a mineral will leave when rubbed on a piece of unglazed porcelain. It is used to help identify the mineral. For example, arsenopyrite looks very similar to gold, but has a dark grey or black streak. Gold has a yellow streak.

What is rock streak?

Streak is a method used to help identify minerals. A mineral can have very similar characteristics such as luster, colour, hardness, specific gravity ect, but even minerals with very similar characteristics including colour can have different streaks...which is the 'colour' the mineral makes on a scratch plate when drawn accross it in a stroke..thus creating the streak.

What can you rub a mineral on to leave a clue what the mineral?

A streak plate, or unglazed white porcelain tile, is used to perform streak tests which can help to identify minerals. Rubbing the mineral on the streak plate will finely powder it and reveal the color of the powder, which in some cases is quite different from the color of the mineral. Eg: hematite is black but has a red streak - a good way to tell you have hematite instead of one of the many other shiny black minerals.

Do all mineral leave a streak?

Shale is a type of rock, not a mineral. Streak is used to help classify minerals. It can leave a streak, but it doesn't mean anything.

What test is used to identify a minerals color?

A streak test is used to determine a minerals streak color. This can help in with the identification of minerals. A streak test is performed by rubbing the mineral on an unglazed ceraminc tile, then observing the color of the streak which is left behind. All minerals do not leave streaks. Harder minerals will not streak, but this can also be used as a tool for identifying the mineral, if you are familiar with the hardness scale.

One way to help identify a mineral is to rub it against a piece of porcelain tile This procedure tests the of the mineral A streak B hardness C luster D cleavage?

The test is called a streak test and it leaves a powdered form of the mineral on the porcelain. The powdered mineral reveals the true color, of the mineral specimen, which may or may not match the color of the specimen.

How does the streak test in which a mineral sample is rubbed against a tile help indentifydiffrent minerals?

to find the minerals streak, what i the mineral rubbed in