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Divergent boundary, i think cause if you look at it apart from another divergent means pull apart and convergent means to come together, but its the closest one.

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Q: What kind of boundary occurs when tectonic plates move apart from one another?
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What happens when tectonic plates slide past each other?

What occurs when the plates slide each other is a boundary forming. this boundary is called a transform boundary.

What do tectonic plates do at a divergent plate boundary?

At a divergent boundary tectonic plates move apart.

The place where two tectonic plates push into another?

convergent boundary

What is the name of the type of boundary where one tectonic plate slides under another tectonic plates?

A destructive plate boundary - a subduction zone.

The area where two neighboring tectonic plates move away from one another is called an areas boundary?

A divergent boundary is an area where two neighboring tectonic plates move away from one another. It can also be called a divergent plate boundary, constructive boundary or extensional boundary.

What is a tectonic plate boundary?

The region where tectonic plates move toward, apart or horizontally past one another.

What boundary forms when tectonic plates pull apart?

The movement of tectonic plates in opposite directions is referred to as a divergent boundary.

When 2 tectonic plates move away from one another the boundary between them is called?

a divergent plate boundary.

The difference between a transform and convergent boundary?

Convergent Boundary is a result of two tectonic plates colliding. Divergent boundary is the process where to tectonic plates move away from each other. if two tectonic plates move away from each other (diverge), each will collide with another plate (converge) on the opposite side of the divergent boundary, forming a convergent boundary with another tectonic plate.

What is the place where two tectonic plates push into one another?

Plate Boundary Location

What type of plate boundaries where 2 plates slide?

A Transform Boundary Is When Two Tectonic Plates Slide By One Another

What kind of boundary do tectonic plates move together?

A convergent boundary is where plates move together.