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When sodium oxide Na2O is added to water it is converted into sodium hydroxide immediately Na2O + H2O = 2NaOH , the ions Na+ and OH- in aqueous solution are responsible to conduct the electricity.

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Does sodium chloride conduct electricity in solution?

In an aqueous solution sodium chloride can in fact conduct electricity. This is because within an aqueous solution ions are free to move while as a solid NaCl will not conduct any electricity

What does sodium chloride conduct?

Sodium chloride conduct electricity only when is as an electrolyte: in water solution or melted.

Is Sodium chloride do they conduct electric city?

Sodium Chloride solution (dissolved in water) conducts electricity, and molten Sodium Chloride conducts electricty, but dry crystal Sodium Chloride does not conduct electricity.

Does sodium chloride conduct electricity dissolved in water?

Yes, the solution of sodium chloride is conductive.

Do sodium chloride conduct electricity in soluble?

Yes, in water solution or when is melted.

Can sodium chloride that is dissolved conduct electricity?

Yes, a saline solution is a conductor.

Why does a solution of sodium chloride conduct electricity but a sugar solution does not?

In order to conduct electricity a solution needs ions to carry the current. Sodium chloride contains ions, sugar does not.... So, sugar can't conduct electricity. Sugars are held together by covalent bonds...( very strong) Sodium is held together by Ionic bonds..(easily broken) Renee....Nashville State Community College A&P1

Does Sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water conduct electricity?

Yes it does conduct electricity. Since the ions are broken up by the water solution, it is able to conduct electricity. In it's dried solid form the ions are too close together, for the sodium bicarbonate to be a conductor.

How does solution sodium chloride solution conduct electricity?

Sodium chloride solution conducts electricity through its bulk by motion of the oppositely charged sodium and chloride ions in it in opposite directions. At the electrodes used to measure conductivity, these ions interchange their electrons with the electrodes.

Is sodium fluroide an elctrolyte?

Yes: If sodium fluoride is dissolved in water, the solution will conduct electricity, as will pure sodium fluoride if it is hot enough to melt.

How many watts of electricity of is needed in order to conduct electricity in water and sodium chloride?

A water solution of sodium chloride is electrically conductive.

What ways can you alter the state of sodium chloride so that it will conduct electricity?

Water solution of sodium chloride or molten NaCl are conductors.