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Decompression and Exfoliation weathering are common in Mica and Shale.

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Q: What kind of physical weathering is common in Mica and Shale?
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What kind of weathering is common in mica and shale?

Decompression and Exfoliation weathering are common in Mica and Shale.

What is Mica Schist and Phyllites Protolith?


What is the most common mineral in schist?

The most common minerals in gneiss are quartz, potassium feldspar, and sodium feldspar. Smaller amounts of muscovite, biotite and hornblende are common. Gneiss can also form from gabbro or shale.

Is a metamorpic rock formed from shale?

yes, it's slate. it goes from shale to slate to phyllite to mica schist.

What rock has many layers and break apart easily?

Mica and shale

Why do clay minerals change to mica in the metamorphism of shale?

Because it does,that the main reason jkThe mild heat and pressure that changes clay into shale causes the minerals in the clay to align and compress into more crystalline layers, ie. mica.

How is garnet mica formed?

A Mica Garnet schist is a metamorphic rock formed from a shale or a granitic mother rock when this is squashed and heated at death in the crust.

What is parent rock of Muscovite schist?

Gneiss is a high grade metamorphic rock, the product of various rock types being exposed to intense pressures and heat under the surface of the Earth. Orthogneiss is a gneiss whose parent rock was igneous, and paragneiss is a gneiss whose parent rock was sedimentary.

What are the types of rocks and minerals found in turkey?

some minerals are mica, fledspar, and rocks are marble, shale ,slate,granite etc.

Which type of rock can most easily be split into thin sheets?

the metamorphic rock that is easily split is...A Mica, A Pumice and A Sulfur

Is slate is harder than shale?

Slate is so hard because it came from shale that is put under pressure with high temperature. The clay composition of shale converts to mica, making it hard.

The most common nonferromagnesian member of the mica family?

The most common nonferromagnesian member of the mica family is muscovite.