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Q: What kind of rock is produced when sedimentary sandstone undergoes metamorphism?
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Related questions

What type of metamorphic rock would be produced by sand?

Silica sand would first lithify into sandstone. It could then undergo metamorphism through heat and pressure and form the metamorphic rock quartzite.

What common rock is produced by the metamorphism of limestone?


Which type of rock are produced from broken down bits of other kinds of rock?

Sediments are produced

What are the main types of clastic sedimentary rocks?

Make a list of the properties of each describing each property. In this way the similarities and differences will become more transparent. Asking others to complete your assignment or homework is self defeating.

Is the largest quantity of metamorphic rock produced by regional metamorphism?


What is a expample of deritral sedimentary rock?

Rock salt, rock gypsum, and some forms of limestone.

What are the rocks formed from sediment deposits?

Sedimentary rocks are mainly the products of the erosion and weathering of any preexisting rock and are also produced by chemical precipitation of certain minerals: salt, calcium sulfate, etc. The product is sorted by water and redeposited, then hardened by pressure and heat to form rock.The rock particles can be clay, silt sandsized or larger like cobbles and boulders

Which type of rocks are produced from deposition of particles?


Which gas is produced when a carbonate undergoes thermal decomposition?

Carbon Dioxide

What are sediment rocks formed from?

Sedimentary rocks are mainly the products of the erosion and weathering of any preexisting rock and are also produced by chemical precipitation of certain minerals: salt, calcium sulfate, etc. The product is sorted by water and redeposited, then hardened by pressure and heat to form rock.The rock particles can be clay, silt sandsized or larger like cobbles and boulders

How is a fragmental sedimentary rock produced?

Fragmentation clastic sedimentary rock is formed by the lithification of inorganic and/or organic sediments.

How is fragmental sedimentary rock produced?

Fragmentation clastic sedimentary rock is formed by the lithification of inorganic and/or organic sediments.