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Same as the clouds that form rain and snow - nimbostratus, for the most part. Freezing rain forms due to a shallow layer of cold air at the surface with above-freezing air above. This is unrelated to cloud types.

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Q: What kinds of clouds form freezing rain?
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What makes freezing water vapor inside clouds?

Freezing water vapor inside clouds makes sleet when it falls to the ground. Freezing rain is rain that is liquid when it leaves the clouds but freezes when it hits the ground.

Frozen rain is snow is true or false?

False, snow must form by growing ice crystals within clouds. Rain that freezes is either sleet or freezing rain.

What type of cloud produces freezing rain?

Freezing rain can come from Cumulonimbus and Nimbostratus clouds, but the clouds are not responsible for the freezing rain. If the precipitation falls from the clouds as snow it must pass through a warm layer of air to melt the snow flakes into rain drops. Then the raindrops must pass through a frigid layer of air that super-cools them. Finally, the rain instantly turns to ice if it lands on a surface that has a temperature below freezing. Then you know you have freezing rain. (see Related Link below for more detail on freezing rain.)

Is snow freezing rain or just white stuff that freezes in the clouds and falls down?

ANSWER:Sleet is frozen rain.

Why are clouds there?

Well to rain on us of course clouds are even made of rain in a gas form

How is freezing rain and sleet similar to each other?

Freezing rain and sleet are the same thing if you leave it up to the basics. Both of them are tiny bits of ice falling from the clouds.

What happens to a water particle during precipitation?

During precipitation, a water particle is released from the clouds. This particle can be in the form of a water droplet of rain, sleet, snow, freezing rain or even hail.

Do clouds run out of rain?

no, clouds do not run out of rain, otherwise we would not have and blue sky, when the clouds have rain it means that the water from the surface of the ground has been evaporated causing the clouds to form. When it rains the clouds empty and disappear.

What does generally clouds mean?

Clouds form when water starts to condense, so clouds eventually grow until they rain themselves to death-clouds mean rain.

What are the four kinds of precipitation come from clouds?

Snow,rain,sleet,and hail.

What kinds of weather can astronauts from orbit?

They can see rain clouds, hurricanes, and lightning!

Are clouds most likely to form in rain shadows?
