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tree snails live i the canopy

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Q: What layer of the rainforest do tree snails live in?
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the canopy

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Describe the three layers of a tropical rainforest including organisms that live in each layer?

The 3 layers of the rainforest are: Emergent, where eagles, butterflies and bats live. Canopy, where snakes, toucans and tree frogs live and the understory layer where jaguars, red-eyed tree frogs and leopards live. There is also the shrub layer.

What rainforest layer does orchids live?

Most orchids live on tree trunks, therefore, they probably live in the understory, or perhaps the canopy. ;)

What layer does the sugar glider live in?

The rainforest is one of the habitats in which sugar gliders live. They live in tree hollows in bushland and the rainforests of Australia. Climatic conditions preferred by sugar gliders include rainforests and bushland (both wet and dry sclerophyll forest). They can adapt to cool-temperate climates, such as that found in Tasmania, and warmer, humid climates of northern Australia, but they are healthiest in drier bushland rather than moist rainforest.

What layer of the rainforest do tree snakes live in?

Which python? Green tree pythons live in the canopy. Royal pythons live on the ground but not in the rain forest. Anacondas are boas and not pythons, but they also live on the ground/ in the water.

What layer in the rainforest do geckos live?

The rocky marginal regions

Do bush babies live in the amazon rainforest?

Bush babies live in the bush and tree areas of East Africa.

What are facts about the rainforest canopy?

The canopy is the second layer of a tree in the rainforest. It is 30-40m high above ground.

What are facts about the emergent layer?

This is the top layer of the rainforest. The tree trunks are up to 16 ft round and 200 ft tall. Animals like eagles, monkeys, bats and butterflies live there.

Does a tree kangaroo live in a rain forest?

Yes. Tree kangaroos do live in the rainforest.

Why does a rainforest frogs live in the rainforest?

The rainforest has many trees. A desert has few trees. So it's not surprising that tree frogs live in the rainforest.