

Best Answer

An insulator or a dielectric is the generic name for a material which does not allow electrons to flow through it. Many polymers such as PE, PP, PVC etc are insulators. Ceramics such as hardened clay are also insulators. Others include:

  • glass
  • rubber
  • bakelite
  • oils
  • phosphorus
  • sulfur
  • wool
  • silicone rubbers
  • silicone oils
  • Teflon
  • nylon
  • polycarbonate
  • acrylic
  • abs
  • etc.

Such materials are insulators. Insulators are materials that don't have free electrons available for the flow of electrons, which is called an electric current.

Insulators are either pure elements which have a "full" outer electron shell (containing 8 electrons, which makes a full set for the shell) or they are compounds that have their electrons completely bound, with none available to flow away in a current.

Further notes:

All insulators can have their outer shell electrons broken loose if a high enough voltage is applied. This is called the dielectric breakdown voltage.

"Conductors" are elements that have only 1 or 2 electrons in the outer shell. These elements' electrons are loosely bound to their atoms and are already moving around in the crystalline structure. The application of a voltage to a conductor will cause these electrons to flow from negative to positive. This flow is what is called the current.

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Q: What material does not allow electrons to flow through it?
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