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Water Logging and Salinity Could cause a land to become useless.

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Q: What may cause the soil to become useless?
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What may contribute to the soil from being washed away?

Deforestation will cause soil erosion.

What are the disadvantages of weathering?

The disadvantage of weathering is the deterioration of a surface.

What happens to the soil where there is no more grass?

when there is no grass the soil loses its fertility and may cause soil erosion or global warming.

How does soil erosion affects the land?

Soil Erosion affects the land in many ways. It can take away the topsoil of the soil horizon which is important to growing crops and pasture for its organic matter. Also erosion can cause leaching of the soil which means that nutrients leave the soil and may become hazardous to aquatic life downstream.

Why is Charlie Dehnel useless?

He is useless because you stated that he is. He may-not be useless.

Does soil erosion cause landslides?

Water causes the soil to soften up and become slippery, causing landslides. In addition, excessive rainfall leads tobsuper-saturated soil, which cannot hold up against gravity. Gravity in one form or another is the main cause of landslides, and too much rainfall weakens the soil's sub-structure.

How many liters in 20kg of soil?

There is no true answer to this question as the soil can mix together and compact. Also the weight may be 20kg when packed but the soil may dry out and become lighter of get damper and become heavier.So because there are so many variables it is impossible to say haw many litres of soil there are in a 20kg bag.

Does hot lava become rock or soil?

It cools to form igneous rock, which over time may be eroded down to become a component of the soil. The larger contributor to rich soil around volcanoes is the ash which settles after an eruption.

Why does acid kill plants?

Acid either destroy the plant tissue killing it directly or it may cause the pH of the soil to become to acidic reducing the uptake of nutrients and water that the plant requires.Extremes in soil pH cancauseroot burn, if the roots cannot function properly the plant will die

What disease is caused by bacteria in soil?

Foot and mouth disease. Tuberculosis is found in soil and may stay dormant for many years. When the dirt is disturbed the bacteria may become airborne and infect the lungs.

How does erosion affects the land?

Soil Erosion affects the land in many ways. It can take away the topsoil of the soil horizon which is important to growing crops and pasture for its organic matter. Also erosion can cause leaching of the soil which means that nutrients leave the soil and may become hazardous to aquatic life downstream.

What human activities cause desertification?

Improper farming practices, for one. Farming practices are improper when crops are continually grown, harvested and the soil is not given enough time to replace its nutrients. Excessive ploughing of land may also cause soil erosion. Animal grazing may also cause the lack of natural vegetation (forest), and, hence, lack of plant roots to bind the soil particles together, and this will cause soil erosion. A term to remember is accelerated soil erosion, the removal of topsoil, which contains the nutrients that sustain vegetation growth. I believe these human activities, which are all classified under improper farming practices, cause (human-induced) desertification.