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Q: What molecule inversely varies its concentration with chloride in the plasma?
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What is the normal concentration of sodium chloride in human blood plasma?

The normal concentration of sodium in the blood plasma is 136-145 mM

What is diffusion and how does it relate to plasma membrane?

Diffusion is simply the movement of one molecule from an area of high concentration to low concentration. It is semi related to the plasma membrane because plasma membrane does allow diffusion, to an extent. Plasma membrane is semipermeable and only allows certain things to diffuse in or diffuse out.

0.9 sodium chloride solution is isotonic with extacellular and intracellular fluid what does isotonic mean?

Isotonic means that the fluid has the same osmolarity as blood plasma - in the case of 0.9% sodium chloride, it means that this fluid has the same concentration of salt as blood plasma has.

How is Hypernatremia treated?

Hypernatremia is treated with infusions of a solution of water containing 0.9% sodium chloride (0.9 grams NaCl/100 ml water), which is the normal concentration of sodium chloride in the blood plasma

How does oxygen get in and out of plasma membrane?

Oxygen, O2, is a small enough molecule that it diffuses diwn it's concentration gradient into the cell and rather easily foes through the plasma membrane. Many small molecules can do this.

Which of the following required the most ATP to move the molecule across a plasma membrane?

Ion moving against a concentration gradient

What is the concentration of plasma?

300 mOsm

What is definition of plasma electrolytic concentration?

Plasma concentration is may occur in mass energy equatiion of albert einstein. E=mc2 All electric plasma can become clouds.

What is the major anionic electrolyte found in plasma?


What is the osmotic concentration of plasma?

300 mOsm

Whenever the plasma glucose concentration exceeds the renal plasma threshold?

it shows in urine.

What is plasma viremia titer?

It is a way of representing the concentration of the virus particles in blood plasma