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The sun appears to rise and set every 24 hours because of Earth's rotation on its tilted axis about the sun. The sun is located at the center of the solar system and does not change in position. However, as the Earth makes one complete revolution every 24 hours, different regions of the world pass through the sun's light, causing the effects of a sunrise and a sunset.

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Q: What motion of the Earth causes the sun to seem to rise and set each day?
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What explains the motion of the sun?

The Earth's rotation causes the Sun to rise in the east and set in the west every day.

What causes the rising of the moon each day?

the moon doesnt rise. the earth rotates

Which of the following statements correctly explains the motion of the Sun?

The Earth's rotation causes the Sun to rise in the east and set in the west every day

What motion of the earth causes the sun to rise and set and how long is this movement?

The Earth rotates about its axis, causing the sun to rise and set. A full rotation happens every 23.934 hours. (Which is close to 24 hours, which is why a full day-night cycle is about 24 hours long.)

What is the rising of the sun each day?

the rising of the sun is not the sun rising at all. It is actually the earth rotation that causes the sun to a pear to rise

What motion does the moon make around the earth that makes it rise and set each day?

revolution and rotation because they go at the same rate 27 and a third days

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In this case, there is 'true' motion, and there is 'apparent' motion. To an observer on earth, the moon 'appears' to rise in the east and set in the west, just like the sun. But in fact the moon travels from west to east in its orbit around the earth. From a perspective far about the earth and to the north, the moon travels counter-clockwise around the earth. It is the relatively rapid daily spin of the earth from west to east that causes the apparent motion. The moon takes a whole month to orbit earth; in that time 27+ days have gone by on earth.

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It causes the tides to ebb and rise.

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