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Q: What moves rock materials across the surface of the Earth?
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What water that moves across earth surface after rainfall is called?


What speed does the sun move across the earth's surface?

The sun does not move acroos the earth. the sun stands still and the earth moves around it.

What term describes precipitation that moves across earth's surface?

I'm trying to figure out the same thing!

The water that moves across Earth's surface after rainfall?

Streams and rivers - but the local flow across a discrete area, and feeding them, is called Run-off.

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Magma moves up Earth's surface in a pipe.

How do you know that the sun moves across the sky?

the earth moves

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The Cytoplasm moves things in a cell

When the earth's crust moves what happens to the earth's surface?

The Earth's surface will change its shape and form.

What are weathered Earth materials are blown away called?

the process that moves wethe process that moves weathered materials athered materials